Literary Agent
Kaily Snider @Kaily_Snides
What is easier to market YA or NA? #askPSLA this is awesome by the way! love the ask agent stuff!@Kaily_Snides if you're doing it right both are good categories #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@Kaily_Snides it's pretty long! On the borders. Might be ok. I don't rep SFF so I'm not the best judge #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Jennie Booth @JennieWrites
#askPSLA In a chapter book query, is it better to focus on 1st book only or also include entire series details as most chap bks are series?@JennieWrites pitch 1 book & add"series outline available upon request" make sure it's clear that there is a character to carry it #askPSLA
Literary Agent
@Kaily_Snides nothing comes to mind. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Rob Nugent @Rob_ismyname
#askpsla Do you ever represent self-published novels? Would you be more likely to if there were an unpublished sequel to work with?@Rob_ismyname I don't resell self pubbed books but if an author wants a hybrid (self and trad) career I can help #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Josie Smith @_josiesmith
#askPSLA Any querying tips?@Seshat4211 Research! Professional! Concise! Pitch not synopsis. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@zachbistall subtly yes, but with the voice, not necessarily jokes. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Tanya Presse @TanyaPresse
If you've queried 1st novel + not heard, can you query 2nd novel? Should you mention 1st query? How much time in btwn? #askagent #askPSLA@TanyaPresse no need to mention. 9 months is good amount. Don't want to seem like you're throwing stuff to see what sticks #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Josie Smith @_josiesmith
#askPSLA How many agents should one query before starting to query a different project?@Seshat4211 LOTS!!!! As many as you want to work with. Unless you're getting strong feedback that suggests pulling it. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Agnes Gomillion @AgnesGomillion
Part2of2: This ‘culture-gap’ makes finding an agent extra hard for diverse authors. How would you go about bridging the gap? #askPSLA@AgnesGomillion comp titles are good for that & developing a platform (ie pitching essays to magazines to make yourself an expert) #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Julianne Douglas @WritingRen
How many years must pass before an unsold (but heavily revised) ms can be subbed to publishers again? #askPSLA@WritingRen I only resub to editors if they've requested to read again. I may, depends on case but it's rare #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Sarah💜Vance-Tompkins @sarahvtompkins
Are comparative titles an absolute necessity in a query letter? Can you pick authors outside of the genre? #askpsla@sarahvtompkins comp titles are not 100% necessary. Only pick them if they're a perfect fit for your book & context #askPSLA