Literary Agency
Elissa Dickey @ElissaDickey
What do Fuse agents look for in a client? Thanks! #AskFuse.@ElissaDickey We love talented, enthusiastic writers who are passionate about their genre & want to write a LOT of books! #AskFuse
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "I'd like my picture book to be printed in the USA. Do authors get any say in this?" MY ANSWER: #askagent
Literary Agent
My latest post is now up on Relentless Writers-"A Manuscript Checkup: Are You Really Ready to Query?"… #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "Hey, I like your wordcount post, but I say contemp YA has gotten longer. What gives?" MY ANSWER #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "I write MG and now I want to also write YA. Will this be a problem for agents?" MY ANSWER: #AskAgent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "My agent doesn't like this ms. Can I send it to editors on my own?" MY ANSWER: #AskAgent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "I want to work in publishing. Advice?" MY ANSWER (sorry it gets a little REAL): #AskAgent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "Do you represent YA portal fantasies?" MY ANSWER: #AskAgent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "Why do some agents request a synopsis?" - MY ANSWER: #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Time for some #blizzard2016 #askagent :
Literary Agency
Sherry Howard @SherLHoward
#AskFuse Are you turned off by writers who write across age ranges? #askfuse.@SherLHoward Yes if they leap around, but it's fine if they're willing to build their brand in specific areas. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
C.L. Polk @clpolk
@FuseLiterary so the "huge following" requirement of indie pubbed books doesn't follow in this situation? #AskFuse.@mayfairromance In theory, it can work. In practice, very unlikely. The applicable market is much smaller, & new work is preferred #AskFuse
Literary Agency
C.L. Polk @clpolk
What's Fuse's policy about rewritten fanfiction? is it similar or different to having pubbed indie? #askfuse.@mayfairromance We'll work w fanfic on occasion as long as the author is writing other things. It can't already be published. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Sherry Howard @SherLHoward
@FuseLiterary What kind of numbers are you looking for with platform? Can expertise in the field constitute platform? #askfuse.@SherLHoward Expertise in a field is often the first component of platform. The next is becoming widely known for it. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Anne Hendricks @Anneelizabethhe
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse Thanks for honesty. But is it okay to say you have indie work in a query letter?.@Anneelizabethhe I suggest always being honest & up front with a prospective agent or publisher. They will Google you. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Saadia Faruqi @SaadiaFaruqi
#AskFuse do all your agents send rejections or does no sometimes result in silence?.@SaadiaFaruqi If one of our agents is currently accepting queries, you will receive a response. Not so for all agencies. Check 1st #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Anne Hendricks @Anneelizabethhe
#AskFuse That's a pity because it's good. Who defines that? And why? Why not flip an indie? It's been known to. Good question to answer.@Anneelizabethhe There are more moving parts than that. Long story very short, it would need to sell tons to even be considered. #AskFuse