Literary Agent
Are you coming to our #askagent next Tuesday, Feb 9 at 1 p.m. CST? #teamredsofa's newest agent @erikhane will be there, too!
Literary Agent
Next Tuesday, Feb 9 at 1 p.m. CST, #teamredsofa's newest agent @erikhane and I will be doing an #askagent. Will you be there?
Literary Agency
Bring your questions & join us THIS FRIDAY at 4pm EST for an #askagent with @carlywatters & @CurtisPSLA! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Q: Does it bother you when the character is not what you would call a ‘good person’? #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Crystal-Lee Quibell @writercrystal
Why You Need A Literary Agent w/ @carlywatters - listen in here -> #amwriting #writetip to the interview and read my after the show Q&A here... #askagent…
Literary Agent
After 4 years of blogging I'm slowing down on ideas. Anything in particular writers want to know? #askagent #MondayBlogs
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "I think my Agent... might be a #schmagent. HALP." MY ANSWER: #AskAgent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "My YA has a 23 year old protagonist. Is that OK?" MY ANSWER: (spoiler: no. sorry!) #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "Will there be a Big Sur workshop in December?" I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED! My answer: #AskAgent #YayBigSur!
Literary Agency
Sean McIntyre @Sean__McIntyre
Is there a word-count range agents prefer for upmarket thrillers? Any # in a query where you just go "too long for the genre?" #AskFuse.@Sean__McIntyre 80-90k is usually good for that, but it varies a bit. Try not to exceed 100k. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Lisa Katzenberger @FictionCity
#askfuse Are you participating in any twitter pitch parties this year?.@FictionCity We always do. Keep an eye out! #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Steve Goble Fiction @Steve_Goble
@FuseLiterary Can you tell us how caught up you are on queries? For instance, cleared all subs as of "x" date? #AskFuse.@Steve_Goble I don't have that data, but most of us should be caught up through 2015. #AskFuse
Literary Agent
Eating lunch at the moment, which means it's time for some questions at #askagent
Literary Agency
Roxanne Lambie @roxannelambie
#AskFuse Should a #diversecharacter description be included in the #query?.@roxannelambie If it's important to the story or if the agent is specifically looking for diversity, yes, mention it in the query. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Roxanne Lambie @roxannelambie
#AskFuse Do you ever consider time travel as its own category? For instance--#YA #TT.@roxannelambie It's a subcategory of SF/F. Try to think of your ms in terms of which shelf it would occupy. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Sean McIntyre @Sean__McIntyre
Is there a market preference (even if subtle) to stories set in past instead of present tense? #AskFuse.@Sean__McIntyre Overall, no, but it depends upon what you're writing. YA, for example, leans more toward immediacy than adult. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse Do you accept Christian Picture books? (Just wondering).@Coffee_Is_love All of our agents' genres and submission guidelines can be found at: #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Sean McIntyre @Sean__McIntyre
How important is social media platform compared to quality of work or writer's voice for fiction? #AskFuse.@Sean__McIntyre Quality of work is always* more important than platform in fiction. #AskFuse
*unless you're Glenn Beck, etc.