Literary Agency
Kirtida Gautam @KirtidaGautam
Can I re-query an agent who has rejected manuscript? After major rewrites with freelance editors. If yes, should mention in QL?#AskKTLit
If an agent asks specifically for an revision, you can always send it, otherwise, try them with your next, new project. #AskKTLit
Literary Agent
Kristi Adams @KAdamsBooks
What trends are you seeing in your inboxes, & what do you wish you saw more of? #AskKTLitI want more thrillers and unreliable narrators! I think YA is maturing and can handle some dark characters! #AskKTLit
Literary Agent
B. Crain @BCrainbooks
#AskKTLit Should my query ltr focus only on my manuscript or should I also represent who I am as a writer (marketing, background, etc)? ThxIf it's relevant to the publishing world, include it. If not, I like to find out during "the call". #AskKTLit
Literary Agency
Nia ☃️❄️☃️❄️ Davenport @Nia_Davenport
Can a story begin from POV that is not the MC's if MC is in the scene and it sets up the plot? #askktlitI would try to avoid it if possible, at least in the query. Like a prologue, it can detract from an agent getting to know the MC. #AskKTLit
Literary Agent
Question on trends from @KAdamsBooks = I see more fantasy YA now than ever (woo HOOO!) and not enough romance. #AskKTLit
Literary Agent
@KirtidaGautam Here's a really great resource! #AskKTLit…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
.@literaticat has a SUPER helpful post about word count for Kid Lit. I still reffer to it.… #AskKTLit
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
We're starting with some questions already posted on the blog:… #AskKTLit
Literary Agent
I'm working on today's writerly #mondayblogs post, but does anyone have future ideas/pub questions they'd like to see covered? #askagent
Literary Agency
Cassie Miller🌨 @Cmiller61408
If one agent turns it down, is it bad form to query another agent in that same agency if he/she is looking for what you have? #AskFuse.@Cmiller61408 Usually yes, but we don't have that restriction, for example. Check the agency's guidelines to make sure. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Robin Melay Pizzo @Everywoman98
Once you have an offer for your book can you approach an agent you'd like to be repp'd by and what r the odds of a yes #AskFuse.@Everywoman98 You can, but it depends upon the offer. I highly recommend letting an agent pitch your book instead. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
☃️ Dawn Husted 💙 @TheDawnHusted
Are CPs and Beta readers good enough for MS revisions/crtqs? Or should one hire an editor prior to querying? #AskFuse.@TheDawnHusted That all depends upon the CP/beta(s). Often times yes, but it's case by case. More eyes are usually better. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "What if my comp title is a book I haven't read, is that OK?" MY ANSWER: (no)… #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'll be at #CCWC2016 next weekend! Come join me and get FREE PCS. Register code “AuthorFan”. @CCWritersCon #askagent