Literary Agent
J.L. Tomlinson @JL_Tomlinson
If you are ready to query a new MS, should you withdraw a previous MS that is still under consideration by agents or include them? #askDVpitWithdraw the previous one if you no longer want it to be considered! #askDVpit
Joana 🤘🏻 @metalAndTheGeek
My word count is at 60,000 for a contemporary romance is that too low? #askDVpitThat might be too short for some print lines and perfect for others. It would be fine for digital. #askDVpit
Literary Agent
J.L. Tomlinson @JL_Tomlinson
If you write in different genres but your pitch is <3 my an agent who doesn't rep all, should you still supply material? #askDVpitbut only send if you are otherwise interested in working with the agent; don't just send to anyone and everyone. #askdvpit
Literary Agent
Peter Knapp @petejknapp
@MeredithIreland @WriterSteph1982 @DVpit_ Yes! It was so great (and a little sad for me, as I lost out on a few I wanted!)I lost out on a couple I wanted too! #askDVpit
Literary Agent
J.L. Tomlinson @JL_Tomlinson
If you write in different genres but your pitch is <3 my an agent who doesn't rep all, should you still supply material? #askDVpityou never have to say yes to an offer of rep even if you queried/sent material if you don't feel it's the right fit. #askdvpit
Literary Agent
J.L. Tomlinson @JL_Tomlinson
If you write in different genres but your pitch is <3 my an agent who doesn't rep all, should you still supply material? #askDVpitI would say yes. And if they offer rep, it is something to ask about in the call@ #askDVpit
Literary Agent
J.L. Tomlinson @JL_Tomlinson
If you write in different genres but your pitch is <3 my an agent who doesn't rep all, should you still supply material? #askDVpitI think it's worth it & then having a convo about it with the agent if they're interested. #askdvpit
Literary Agent
Patrice Caldwell @whimsicallyours
@petejknapp @normajeanesays @weirddreamer1 yessss to paranormal. It's already making a comeback in the form of witchy books #askDVpitany sort of YA or MG that feels like the month of October is a big YES for me. #askdvpit
Literary Agent
Nia ☃️❄️☃️❄️ Davenport @Nia_Davenport
#askDVpit It seems like psychological thrillers and sci-fi are the coming "wave" in YA? What do you all think?wish I could give you a sure answer! It's hard to predict what the next wave will be, and harder to write to it. #askdvpit
Literary Agent
Nia ☃️❄️☃️❄️ Davenport @Nia_Davenport
#askDVpit It seems like psychological thrillers and sci-fi are the coming "wave" in YA? What do you all think?I sure hope so! Editors I talk to are interested, but there seems to be less of a "next big trend" in YA right now. #askDVpit
Patrice Caldwell @whimsicallyours
@normajeanesays @weirddreamer1 I'm serious about paranormal, I love it SO much & want to see it in a few years when market's ready #askDVpitwhen the market is ready again for paranormal I will bathe in vampires and magic and werewolves. #askDVpit
Literary Agent
Patrice Caldwell @whimsicallyours
@normajeanesays @weirddreamer1 I'm serious about paranormal, I love it SO much & want to see it in a few years when market's ready #askDVpitI AM READY FOR PARANORMAL TO HAPPEN AGAIN. #askdvpit
Literary Agent
Keith Yatsuhashi ⛩ @KeithYatsuhashi
@LZats Ha: another Q. What do you wish authors understood about querying and landing that agent? #askagent #amqueryinga bad agent is worse than no agent! Be patient and commit to the right fit! #askagent
Funny, high-concept, and/or diverse historical romance! Latinx romance characters! A little explored time & place! #askDVpit
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Premee @premeesaurus
@DVpit_ If my 2 MCs are 17 and 18, would that automatically mean I add #YA to my pitch? :) #AskDVpitnope -- it could be adult with teen characters. It has to do with the tone, voice, temporal perspective, etc #askdvpit
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'd love some funny YA (or MG, of course, always)! #askdvpit
Lauren Jernigan Dameron, Flygirl 🌜💫 @LEJerni13
It feels like a lot of LGBT romances are more contemporary, is there a place for historical LGBT rom? (Specifically F/F and Ace) #askDVpitI personally would love to see it! It's such an underserved area. #askDVpit
Literary Agent
🐉 Lee A. Everett 🖋 @LeeA_Everett
@LZats @tracijowrites Another followup question! Should MSWL mention go at end with bio, first thing in query, or in email subject line...?beginning! And maybe subject line #askagent