Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
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Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
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kaycee!! @crybabykaycee

Any advice for an aspiring author under the age of 18 looking to get an agent? #AskKTLit

Same as any author. Read/write your heart out! Though, I always love reading teens' work, so put it in your query leter! #askktlit

Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
20 AskAgent
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Vanessa @vanessaepeay

Hypothetically if I have 3 fulls with agents and one gets back with offer. How do I inform the agent? #AskKTLit

I would just send an email letting them know about the offer of rep. Give the other agents time to respond. 2 weeks is standard. #askktlit

KT Literary
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Vanessa @vanessaepeay

Hypothetically if I have 3 fulls with agents and one gets back with offer. How do I inform the agent? #AskKTLit

Email the other agents considering the book that you have an offer of representation, &ask them to get back to you w/in set time. #AskKTLit

KT Literary
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
28 AskAgent
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KT Literary
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
28 AskAgent
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Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
20 AskAgent
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10 Tips
Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips

Vanessa @vanessaepeay

#AskKTLit Does any of the agents like historical fiction?

If it's historical MG, historical YA, historical romance, historical SF/F then yes. If it's historical commercial fiction then no. #AskKTLit

Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
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Vanessa @vanessaepeay

do you like personalization in the query or to jump into the pitch? #AskKTLit

I prefer jumping into the pitch! In the last paragraph with comp titles, you can add any personalized touches for the agent. #askktlit

KT Literary
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
28 AskAgent
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Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips

Kristi Adams @KAdamsBooks

What are subsidiary rights? And are there typical/common traits of ms's that tend to go to auction? #AskKTLit

re. auction = there's always a "WOWZA" level of writing for books at auction. But there are WOWZA books that don't auction too. #AskKTLit

KT Literary
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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If you want to submit your query to our About My Query posts, check out the submission guidelines here:… #AskKTLit

KT Literary
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
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Kristi Adams @KAdamsBooks

What are subsidiary rights? And are there typical/common traits of ms's that tend to go to auction? #AskKTLit

SubRts can be a nice additional stream of income, but they usually assume a good deal with a publisher first, and a nice success. #AskKTLit

Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips

Kristi Adams @KAdamsBooks

What are subsidiary rights? And are there typical/common traits of ms's that tend to go to auction? #AskKTLit

"traits of ms's that go to auction?" = No.

I love all my books equally when offering rep and some go to auction and some don't. #AskKTLit

KT Literary
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
28 AskAgent
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13 Tips
Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
20 AskAgent
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10 Tips
KT Literary
Literary Agency
Formerly @daphneun , this is now the general Twitter account for KT Literary, sharing news about our KT Literary clients and books!
28 AskAgent
11 Queries
13 Tips
Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
20 AskAgent
3 Queries
10 Tips
Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
20 AskAgent
3 Queries
10 Tips
Renee Nyen
Literary Agent
kt literary. Wife. Mom. Podcaster. Lover of mountains, seltzer, and plants. Black Lives Matter. She/her
20 AskAgent
3 Queries
10 Tips