Kurestin Armada

Literary Agent

Root Literary

Literary Agent at @RootLiterary. Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.

Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary . Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
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Aida @rxbbersoul

she was a punk he did ballet pic.twitter.com/7t09D7UIb8

*trips over myself to hit the QT button* #MSWL!!! (but uh, make it at least a little spec fic somehow preferably)

Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary . Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
137 AskAgent
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Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary . Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
137 AskAgent
2 Queries
20 Tips

Kurestin Armada @kurestinarmada

My morning read today was MEM by @BCMorrow and all I can say is WOW!! 😍 What a beautiful, thoughtful gem of a novel. ✨

Between this & TIN MAN (which I loved so, so much) I’m really feeling the powerful, lovely, literary/specfic novels in small packages. So send your short (but still novel length) & gorgeous work my way? 🙏🙏 #MSWL

(Read those two for reference if you need more clarification 🤗)