James McGowan
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency
Literary agent, author, sitcom enthusiast, professional snacker... @bookendslit (he/him)
Literary Agent
I've been catching up on queries and submissions this evening. One thing I'm noticing a lot of is queries without an actual blurb. Tell us what's *happening* in the book, not what the themes or takeaways are. Not sure how? Read the jacket copy of your favorites #QueryTip
Literary Agent
#QueryTip for #picturebook writers: query one book at a time. Do not send an agent a separate query for every book you’ve written all at once.
Literary Agent
#QueryTip - While you can definitely send an agent multiple projects, don’t do so all at once. Send one and only send another when they respond (especially in picture books)
Literary Agent
Picture book #QueryTip! 👇👇 instagram.com/p/B8glnS4nWwh/…
Literary Agent
Authors: Agents don't LIKE to reject. It makes us sad, too. (And rejection fatigue is most definitely a thing). Please know so much of this is subjective, so when one rejection comes in, send out another query. Keep plugging away! #Querytip
Literary Agent
Update: I’m completely caught up on all queries and working my way through a bunch of exciting submissions from October 10th. #Querytip #QueryUpdate