Carly Watters
Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
- #mswl (153)
- #queryfail (1)
- #querytip (95)
- #pubtip (222)
- #querystats (16)
- #askagent (156)
- #askPSLA (73)
Literary Agent
Laura King Edwards @lkedwards11
@carlywatters What's at the top of your wish list? #askagent@lkedwards11 wishlist: upmarket women's fiction, literary thrillers, domestic thrillers, women's fiction w mystery hook #askagent
Literary Agent
Catherine North @NorthCat75
#askagent Do main characters have to be likeable for you to enjoy the book?.@NorthCat75 Not necessarily likeable, but characters have to be so deep & real that I understand why they are that way #askagent
Literary Agent
Nicole Lynn Hoefs @nicolelynnhoefs
What are some ways people have made their queries stand out to you? #askagent.@nicolelynnhoefs queries: concise, focus on plot not themes, personalized, follow guidelines, target me for reason, know my taste #askagent
Literary Agent
Nicole Lynn Hoefs @nicolelynnhoefs
Any suggestions for an aspiring author? #askagent@nicolelynnhoefs focus on the writing, get the noise about trends & social media out of your head. good books stand tall. #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Katie Dickerson @where_we_stand
What % of queries make through the slush pile and get partial or full requests? #askagent.@where_we_stand Every agent is different. I request about 3% and sign less than 1% (I've done the math before) #askagent
Literary Agent
KFair Writes @kfairwrites
@carlywatters @cameronwalker27 I have screenplay & accompanying WF novel. Do I query separate agents? I write in both forms. Thx! #askagent@kfairwrites @cameronwalker27 most lit agents work with film agents on adaptation & most clients don't get to adapt their work #askagent
Literary Agent
KFair Writes @kfairwrites
@carlywatters @cameronwalker27 I have screenplay & accompanying WF novel. Do I query separate agents? I write in both forms. Thx! #askagent@kfairwrites @cameronwalker27 it's rare that lit agents rep both. usually they're 1 or the other. What came first? Start w passion #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@kfairwrites @jasonflum you can say the agent's name if you want to, but it doesn't influence my opinion #askagent
Literary Agent
@kfairwrites @jasonflum It doesn't matter to me if he was repped, all I care is whether the current book was shown to editors #askagent
Literary Agent
Mary Ellen Griffith @megriffith14
Stakes? Like competition, etc.? #askagent@megriffith14 stakes = what does the character have to lose if they don't achieve their goal & how does that influence climax? #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Katelin @cummingsgoings
@carlywatters #AskAgent What makes a nonfiction proposal really stand out?@cummingsgoings numbers. platform. endorsements. online following. speaking gigs. #askagent
Literary Agent
Cameron Walker @cameronwalker27
If you’re querying a children’s book but are working on (and primarily write) YA, should you mention the latter in query letter? #askagent@cameronwalker27 yes, and query agents that do both. but why not query for your YA if that's your primary #askagent
Literary Agent
Eve Messenger @EveMessenger
If I’m a big fan of an author’s work, follow her blog, etc., what’s the most appropriate way to ask for a referral to her agent? #askagent@EveMessenger referral means that writer is putting themselves on the line saying they vouch for you #askagent
Literary Agent
Eve Messenger @EveMessenger
If I’m a big fan of an author’s work, follow her blog, etc., what’s the most appropriate way to ask for a referral to her agent? #askagent@EveMessenger you'd have to be a critique partner or closer than online acquaintance to get an agent referral, IMO #askagent
Literary Agent
Mary Ellen Griffith @megriffith14
What would a newer writer need to include in a book query to peek an agent's interest? (MFA/published in local mags) #askagent@megriffith14 in author bio you can add MFA or publications, but it all depends on how we connect with the story you're pitching #askagent
Literary Agent
Mary Ellen Griffith @megriffith14
What would a newer writer need to include in a book query to peek an agent's interest? (MFA/published in local mags) #askagent@megriffith14 book that fits our interests, query that focuses on plot and stakes, not internal conflict or themes. #askagent
Literary Agent
Jason Flum @jasonflum
#askagent Should I include in my query the fact that I recently left my previous agent on amicable terms? How do I include that info?@jasonflum It's best to put it in the author bio at the end. When it's up at the top it can be show-offy. Keyword amicable. #askagent