Carly Watters
Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
- #mswl (153)
- #queryfail (1)
- #querytip (95)
- #pubtip (222)
- #querystats (16)
- #askagent (156)
- #askPSLA (73)
Literary Agent
James Hansen @hansenjames
@carlywatters are agents more interested in a planned amount of books, like a trilogy, rather than an open ended series? #askagent@hansenjames we need to love book 1 first. The rest is after we sign you based on that. Also depends on genre #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Liz Harmer @lizharmer
@carlywatters I have several manuscripts on the go and/or near completion--is it a good idea to mention this in a query? #askagent@lizharmer I like it when an author doesn't overwhelm me but says in the author bio paragraph "at work on next novel" #askagent
Literary Agent
Tehlor Kay Mejia @tehlorkay
@carlywatters if I had a few full ms requests in my first round of queries should I keep sending letters out? or wait for responses first?@tehlorkay depends if you feel like if one of those agents offered you would accept and be happy. If not, keep querying #askagent
Literary Agent
Almitra Clay @AlmitraClay
Do you see a market for YA that addresses the topic of lack of religion, given the increasing demographic of the "nones"? Thanks! #askagent@AlmitraClay depends on writing! Doesn't sound like a problem to me #askagent
Literary Agent
Rebekah J. Olson @rebekahjolson
@carlywatters how do you feel about cursing in books? Is there an F bomb cap? #askagent@rebekahjolson some audiences don't like it, so you have to be aware you can turn off readers. I don't mind, but some readers do #askagent
Literary Agent
ebelleful @ElyanaNoreme
@carlywatters Do you have a YA rec equal to Taylor Jenkins Reid writing? #askagent@ElyanaNoreme oooh that's tough. Have you read @katiecotugno? #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
@SeeSaraScribe doesn't sound like its for me but check out the #MSWL hashtag for agents who might #askagent
Literary Agent
Greg Taylor/Krojac @SciFi_Greg
@carlywatters Sent novel to agents (1st in trilogy) then decided better as 1 longer book not trilogy.Can I approach same agents w/ new book?@brazil_gringo only if extremely revised and you tell us up front #askagent
Literary Agent
William Singourd @WilliamSingourd
@carlywatters _ Hi. What is the best way to present a hybrid genre in a QL? Accent one side? #askagent@WilliamSingourd not sure the Q. Tell us your genre in the first line with the word count and title #askagent
Literary Agent
Life in Common @ArthurSmid
#askagent do you know of a small press for young adult books?@ArthurSmid not off the top of my head but go to @poetswritersinc site and find info there #askagent
Literary Agent
Rebekah J. Olson @rebekahjolson
@carlywatters what books have read recently that you really liked? #askagent@rebekahjolson I'LL GIVE YOU THE SUN and ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE were great #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Carly Watters @carlywatters
No word count Qs, but anything publishing, writing, or industry related are welcome. Ask away! #askagentUse the #askagent hashtag so I see your question. I'll be here for an hour.
Literary Agent
Carly Watters @carlywatters
#askagent alert: I will be here for the next hour answering your questions.No word count Qs, but anything publishing, writing, or industry related are welcome. Ask away! #askagent