Caitie Flum

Literary Agent

Liza Dawson Associates

Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q2: Adult mystery. Intriguing idea, but then the query includes the character's voice in the query and it is generic. Pass #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q1: Paranormal romance. I don't represent paranormal, so this one is an easy rejection. Please look at what I rep! #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q10: YA says magical realism but it's actually fantasy. Person who has been alive for 1000 years=fantasy. I don't rep, so pass. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q9: Rock star romance. Great characters, fun plot and strong writing. Word count is long but I want to take a look at 50 pages. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q8: YA contemporary. Too much of an issue book, the query is so preachy and heavy handed. Pass. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q7: NA romance. Query has seven named characters and three cliches. It feels like it is a first draft of a query. Pass. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q6: Upmarket mystery. Synopsis has me at the edge of my seat, plus there is an unreliable narrator. Requesting full manuscript. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q5: Adult, says it's a cozy but sounds like a thriller. I like thrillers, but if genre stated doesn't match synopsis, I pass. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q4: Adult romance. MC has a high-powered career and doesn't sound like stereotype, but synopsis is confusing. Pass. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q3: WF mystery, MC is a journalist. Plot is intriguing, characters fits my top MSWL. Requesting 50 pages. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q2: YA historical fiction, takes place during WWII. Doesn't have any elements that make it sound different from others. Pass. #tenqueries

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Q1: YA contemporary from male perspective. Query gives vague description of MC, does not say what it is about. Pass. #tenqueries