Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Liza Dawson Associates
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
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- #askDVpit (26)

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
S.I. Ryder @SIRyder2
#askDVpit if your word count is too long for a MG fantasy book, would that lead to instant rejection? What is a good word count for MG high fantasy?I think it depends on the agent for this one. Personally, I am really looking for MG with lower word counts right now, so I would probably pass. But that is just a me thing! I know a lot of people are looking for upper MG! #askDVpit

Literary Agent
Harshini Vankineni @HarshiVankineni
When two or more industry professionals offer different opinions on the same MS, I am not sure which to follow and if I have to revise. What would you suggest? #askDVpitI would suggest you go with what feels right to you. It's your story and it should still fit your vision! #askDVpit

Literary Agent
Deeba Zargarpur @deebazargarpur
@romancebookbing i'd keep them concise & clear, but i think variety in your pitches will be super important as well. it's good to have 3/4 different tweets that showcase different aspects to the story. #askDVpitThis is fantastic advice! Different aspects will excited different people. And I always go to the writer's page and look at all the pitches they have when I'm decided to like or not. #askDVpit

Literary Agent
S.I. Ryder @SIRyder2
#askDVpit is there good time to query agents? I assume November and December are the worst time to do so.I don't think there is really a good or bad time. The only bad time is if they are closed to queries. This whole year is a shitshow, so just know it may be longer than usual to get a response. #askDVpit

Literary Agent
Trang Tran @trangwrites
#askDVpit what often gets writers in your revise and resubmit pile rather than an offer?I do R&Rs when my edit notes are really big - cutting major subplots, cutting 50K words, completely changing plots and characters etc. If the changes are that large, I want to make sure that the author can revise and that we share the same vision. #askDVpit

Literary Agent
C. L. Doupagne🌈 (they/them) @DoupagneC
Is 200 - 250k an acceptable wordcount for an debut author, if it's adult fantasy and fits the story?✨#askDVpit
I would reject this the second I saw the word count. It is too high even for a genre with higher word counts #askDVpit

Literary Agent
Paul Campbell @PDCampbell_
@caitief On pitch day, do you search on #own or #OwnVoices? #askDVpitI do both! I also have about 20 tabs open with my searches... #askdvpit

Literary Agent
Lillian Swindell @WhatLilliThinks
@caitief How bad is it to use movies for comps? I seem to have issues comparing my manuscript to something already in existence. #askDVpitIn a pitch, I think it is fine. I prefer to see also see a book in the query if you have comps, but for pitches, movies are fine. #askdvpit

Literary Agent
Daka Hermon @dakadh
Will agents & editors request query or manuscripts off pitch? #askdvpitIt depends on the person! I think most ask for some pages w/ the query, even if they usually don't. #askdvpit

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Cimone Watson @bachbunny
@AuthorKatM @caitief Can you try "ownvoices work about [insert sexuality] main character"? Just wondering, b/c I do that w/ "African American family".You can just say "This is own voices" in the paragraph you give genre and word count. #askDVpit

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Katrina Monroe @AuthorKatM
I always feel awkward including my sexuality when querying an #ownvoices MS. Necessary to even include? #dvpit #askDVpitThis is tough. I guess it isn't necessary, but it helps. There are some things I'm unlikely to request unless it is #ownvoices #askDVpit

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Bailey Knaub @BaileyKnaub
How do agents feel about sex in YA? Not graphic fifty shades of grey level but casual sex. #askDVpitI think it is fine! If there is too much or it is too graphic, I may suggest that it is cut down a little. #askDVpit