Emmy Nordstrom Higdon

Literary Agent

Westwood Creative Artists

πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

I always get disappointed when I get queries, especially PB queries, about disability from people who work with or care for disabled people. How is this your story to tell? Tell YOUR story, and let disabled people tell ours. #QueryTip

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

Recently, almost every querying author who I ask about their goals says they want to quit their job and write full time. This is a fantastic goal, but please do your research, because the financial realities of this industry may not be what you think! #QueryTip #WritingCommunity

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

It's veggie burger night in the Nordstrom household, and I can smell the burgers but they're not ready yet. I'm going to do one of those threads where I tweet about my queries and try to get through a handful before the burger lands in front of me. Ready? #QueryTip

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

For authors querying me personally: I get a lot of stuff where folks are worried about triggering content in my inbox. My past life is as a crisis social worker, so I'm good to read what you send me, and I put detailed CWs on all my submissions to editors! #QueryTip #AmAgenting

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips
Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips
Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: I get a lot of query letters that tell me a lot about the characters in a book, but not what they actually do. What is the plot? What are the stakes? Where does it happen? What makes it important? There is so much more to a book than just who it's about.

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: I get a lot of queries that are not properly addressed. I understand that - especially when you're querying widely. But it's ideal if you can get the agent's name and salutation right, and do your best to get a date close to the one you've actually sent out on!

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

This is a reminder to read submission guidelines before querying an agent, as they can and do change over time, and RELATEDLY, that I personally do not represent books with prominent law enforcement protagonists or themes, and that that is unlikely to change with time. #QueryTip

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: Will never cease to be surprised by the number of people who forget to put their names in their query. It's... really helpful! Please do that!

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: Whenever I'm in the slush pile, I'm just surprised by the number of folks who emphasize that they don't know what they're doing - not in an asking for support way, but in a glib tone. Don't be that guy. Do your research, and be honest about your experiences. Please.

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: One question that every good query letter should answer is, why does this book matter RIGHT NOW?

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: When I respond to an author saying that I'm open to future queries from them, I don't typically mean in the same week or the same month. Developing a project usually takes a long time, and I'm not always able to take a second look immediately.

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

emmy, purveyor of spines @emmy_of_spines

#QueryTip: manuscripts should be formatted in a standard and easy to read way, either Chicago Style or something that's pretty similar. When I'm sorting through hundreds at a time, I'm grateful to the helpful and professional authors who take the time!

1/ I want to rephrase this #QueryTip, thanks to @a_h_reaume who took the time to explain the exclusivity of my language use here.

When possible, agents definitely appreciate it when MSs are formatted in a standard and easy to read way, to the best of the author's ability!

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: If your book is the novel you wrote during the pandemic, that's fine, but your query letter is probably not the time to share that! Most novels take years to get right, so an agent may be rightfully skeptical if your work is just a hatchling.

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: I've been corresponding with authors just this week who have been asked for exclusivity by an agent on a query sub, and who have been asked to pay a signing fee to join an agency. These are NOT standard requirements! πŸ”ΊRed flag! πŸ”»

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: If you want to pitch an agent, do so through their preferred channels - not off the cuff at a conference, or on social media, or during a lunch date! It's totally appropriate to let someone to know to EXPECT your query, but following protocol keeps us organized!

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

I guess this is a #QueryTip, but it applies mostly to me as an agent: Something that will always draw me in is really good food descriptions. It's such a powerful worldbuilding element for me! #WritingCommunity

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
πŸ“š lit agent @WCA_LitAgency πŸ“– advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. β™Ώ clients #SpineSquad πŸ“˜
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

#QueryTip: Know the conventions of the genre that you're pitching in. Don't pitch a fantasy book that doesn't have magic, or a romance book that doesn't have a HEA! This can comes across as you not having done enough industry research. #WritingCommunity