Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
Literary Agent
Ana Mae Wright @anamaewright
@UweStenderPhD Metadata at the top or bottom?Is personalization in a query necessary?
Thank you for your time!
Just query: Dear Uwe, I am wondering if I can interest you in <Title, word count, comps, short pitch<
Then "about the author". Done.
Literary Agent
Darianne Schramm ⚡️ @DarianneSchramm
@UweStenderPhD Can you tell me what you look for in comps? Author style? Market placement?I am not really interested in comps to that email extend. Just tell me what to expect comp-wise.
Literary Agent
bayana a. davis @yanawroteit
@UweStenderPhD If you end up with offers from multiple agents, is there a standard time for making your decision? Thanks!It appears as if 2 weeks is the "standard."
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kieran Shipley @KShipWrites
@UweStenderPhD Do the agents at @triadaus get to collaborate and share knowledge much? And if so what parts of the job/process do you help each other with most?We do and we do it on pretty much everything.
Literary Agent
Jeanette 죄나리 @itsjeanettechoe
@UweStenderPhD Is there a bad time of the year to query agents? For example, over summer months, winter holidays, etc.The only time I don't like getting queries is between December 15 and January 10.
Literary Agent
Elizabeth Doman @ElizDoman
@UweStenderPhD How much does it help to know or have talked to an agent before querying them? Related question; how important are in-person meetings at cons?For me, it doesn't, as long as you are not a jerk. If you are a jerk, I don't want to work with you. Your writing is important to me. But I don't want to, nor will I, work with a jerk.
Literary Agent
Jessica K. Foster @JessicaKFoster
@UweStenderPhD @david_neuner Hi! If you've been represented before, should you include that in your query for a new book, or doesn't it matter?I think you should mention it for full disclosure.
Literary Agent
Carrie @carriemegan14
@UweStenderPhD Is YA historical a tough sell right now?If it's great,no.
Literary Agent
Elisabeth S. Gay @ElisabethSGay
@UweStenderPhD How important is it for a debut author to have a website for agent consideration?Not important for me. You should have one for book PR once it sells, but otherwise I don't care.
Literary Agent
Jenna Hammond @JMHTweet
@UweStenderPhD Thank you for this! How important is it for a querying author to have a blog?I personally don't care. So not important for me personally, but others may feel differently.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Dalton Valette @daltonvalette
@UweStenderPhD What are some of the most common mistakes you’ve seen in queries which can lead to a rejection?Querying with a genre the agent does not represent.
Spelling errors.
Literary Agent
Rebecca Lemke is writing Science Fantasy @NewCrunchyMom
@UweStenderPhD What do agents currently consider a strong platform?In fiction: for me personally: it does not matter. In nonfiction: instant name recognizability and/or supreme verifiable qualification to write about that particular topic.
Literary Agent
Rebecca Lemke is writing Science Fantasy @NewCrunchyMom
@UweStenderPhD Do agents stalk indie author ever as a prospective client? Is it true that once a person is indie, traditional publishers won’t be interested?I don't stalk anyone. I have no time for that. Nor the inclination. And why would anyone dismiss an "indie" author? I would not.
Literary Agent
Aaron J. Cole @aaron_j_cole
@UweStenderPhD What does it take for a book to get sold as a film adaptation?Difficult to answer. Zeitgeist. Buzz. A concept that translates well from book to film. Luck.
Literary Agent
Daria Pipkin @DariaPipkin
@UweStenderPhD Hi Uwe,What would you consider a good request rate for querying authors these days? When should an author keep looking for the right fit versus pausing to make revisions?
(MG fiction, if it matters)
If you base your request rate on query, then I would say that if you get less than 6 requests per 10 queries, you may consider working on the query.
Literary Agent
Allison Lau @AllisonRLau
@UweStenderPhD Thanks for doing this, Uwe! I always appreciate your insight on the industry.What is your read on editors' activity right now? Are editors back from the holidays and hungry? Or are things slow?
The pandemic, and pandemic fatigue, slows everything, and everyone, down. Not just editors. And I include myself. I am so far behind the eight ball, I can't even see it with binoculars.
Literary Agent
Dani Kraai @KraaiDani
@UweStenderPhD If you’ve spent 6 mo revising your manuscript, pitch and query is it acceptable to re-query an agent?Sure, as long as the actual changes are significant and not just the time.
Literary Agent
DLShelton 🌈📚🎼🔯 #BLM IG: dlsheltonwrites @debralynnlazar
@UweStenderPhD RE: Genres: What genres are getting hot? Which onces are dying out? What are you finding yourself looking for these days?I don't care about trends. I love what I love. Other agents may disagree. I would love to see a really intriguing adult thriller/suspense, in the vein of STAY CLOSE or BOSCH.