Haley Casey

Literary Agent

Creative Media Agency

Associate Literary Agent at CMA. Feminist. Interested in watching TV shows I've already seen and owning ALL books. All opinions are my own. (she/her)

Haley Casey
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at CMA. Feminist. Interested in watching TV shows I've already seen and owning ALL books. All opinions are my own. (she/her)
1 Tips

Bring me strong character relationships and lush world-building. I want adventure and multi-level plots and tension that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Leave me wishing I was still wrapped up in the pages when I’m finished! #MSWL

Haley Casey
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at CMA. Feminist. Interested in watching TV shows I've already seen and owning ALL books. All opinions are my own. (she/her)
1 Tips