Amelia Appel

Literary Agent

Triada US Literary Agency

Literary Agent @triadaus. Always learning. Love all things sports. When not reading, likely running. Or downing a dozen donuts in one sitting. She/Her

Amelia Appel
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @triadaus . Always learning. Love all things sports. When not reading, likely running. Or downing a dozen donuts in one sitting. She/Her
27 Tips

Please send me YA and adult graphic novels! Would love to see more in my inbox #MSWL

Amelia Appel
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @triadaus . Always learning. Love all things sports. When not reading, likely running. Or downing a dozen donuts in one sitting. She/Her
27 Tips

Dying for an emotional redemption arc. YA or adult. It’s never too late. #MSWL

Amelia Appel
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @triadaus . Always learning. Love all things sports. When not reading, likely running. Or downing a dozen donuts in one sitting. She/Her
27 Tips

Adult or YA where the protag has the spunk of a Tamora Pierce heroine. Contemporary Kel or Alanna would be a dream come true. #MSWL

Amelia Appel
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @triadaus . Always learning. Love all things sports. When not reading, likely running. Or downing a dozen donuts in one sitting. She/Her
27 Tips

I'm more into adult, but I'd be interested in a smart, dark YA with a savvy protag. Deals with serious coming-of-age issues well. #MSWL