Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If you accept an offer of representation, please email the other agents you queried to remove your manuscript from consideration. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#QueryTip If you get a request for a full or partial manuscript...
Before you send, do one final review and accept all track changes + remove any reader comments, etc., from the draft. #amquerying
Literary Agent
Update: I’m completely caught up on all queries and working my way through a bunch of exciting submissions from October 10th. #Querytip #QueryUpdate
Literary Agent
Jessica Wade @Jess_Wade
If you think you need an exciting prologue because nothing exciting happens in your book for 5 chapters...what you need is 5 new chapters.Adding to this, if you insist on including the five pages from the middle of the book in your query instead of the first five pages (as requested), you need a new beginning. If you can't win a reader over in the beginning, it doesn't matter how great pages 110-115 are. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
FYI. I am so behind on submissions so I intend to close to queries tomorrow. #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querytip #amwriting #writetip in both your query and your book, it's best to be specific and original about societal structures & evils. "The Organization" "The Kingdom" "The Darkness" "The Guardian" "The Entity" - as proper nouns, these feel not thoroughly developed enough. 1/
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I’m caught up on queries through 10/9/18. That feels nice. #querytip #amagenting
Literary Agent
Friendly #amquerying #querytip PSA: Please use fonts that are super simple to read, rather than artistic, regardless of what you hope will appear in the final book. I read electronically all day. Your fancy curly font makes my eyeballs turn to tapioca pudding. Thank you!