Literary Agent
On the importance of word choice in writing:… via @NovelEditor #writetip #pubtip #justsomegoodwriterlyadvice
Literary Agency
How to Write a Great Query Letter via @GirlFridayProd #querytip #pubtip
Literary Agent
"Successfully Publishing Your 1st Novel" my @writersdigest webinar is next week, 2/19! Incl. a 5pg crit! #pubtip
Literary Agent
Yes, it's this simple! There's a formula! "How to Write a Great Query Letter"… #querytip via @GirlFridayProd
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Good post on "Selling On Proposal." Only if you have a track record:… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querytip: you don't need a pen name. We'll discuss it when you get the book deal, right now it's premature & comes off as alter-ego fantasy
Literary Agent
Great tips! Dos and Don’ts of the Slush Pile:… via @WolfLiterary #askagent #slushpile #pubtip #writetip
Literary Agent
Help me help you. Help ME help YOU! #querytip #JerryMaguire #agenting #ShowMeTheMoney
Literary Agent
YES! It won't end well! MT @jawlitagent Your agent should be your biggest fan. Don't settle for one who thinks you're just okay. #querytip
Literary Agent
For writers: "How To Do @Medium Well"… #pubtip