Literary Agent
Looking for an agent? Here's some great advice on @booklistreader #pubtip #querying…
Literary Agent
"The Big Idea: How to Find the Right Idea to Turn into a Book" by @sjaejones… #pubtip
Literary Agent
#Querytip Your query is an introductory letter to you and your work. Forge a connection w/agent, It shouldn't be a synopsis. #queryparty
Literary Agent
Be sure your tenses don't change mid-paragraph, or really at all. #querytip #Queryparty #CorvisieroLit
Literary Agent
#QueryTip from @corvisierolit's #queryparty: Following trends and being aware of them is excellent & it should help you write some unique.
Literary Agent
#QueryTip from @corvisierolit's #queryparty: When querying fiction tell the agent the genre of the work and word count. This is a simple one
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Make sure the photo on your email account is professional. I've seen some interesting photos alongside query letters. #querytip #100QUERIES
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Need help with comp titles? This handy "What Should I Read Next" database is a big help! #pubtip
Literary Agent
Read about new #literaryagent @vselvaggio1 over at JDLIT agency here: @scbwi #querytip #amwriting #kidlit #yalit
Literary Agent
I'm receiving a lot of queries for YA SF/F. I don't rep YA material. I write YA (methinks?) so I do *not* represent it. #querytip #amwriting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
"Louis L’Amour received 200 rejections before Bantam took a chance on him. He is now their best ever selling author..." 0__0 #querytip