Literary Agent

when querying a complex novel (complicated plot; intricate world-building), work to ensure that your query doesn't get lost in the weeds & alienate the reader -- ideally, you should be able to boil that complexity down to a succinct and compelling paragraph. #querytip

Literary Agent
Kate McKean @kate_mckean
What does it mean when an editor or agent says ~I just didn't fall in love with it~~ in a rejection?katemckean.substack.com/p/what-does-i-…
#amwriting #amquerying #literaryagent #WritingCommunity
Writers, this is a really great explanation of the "I just didn't fall in love" pass on submissions. A "no" doesn't mean you did something wrong or your book is bad... it just means it wasn't exactly right for that particular agent or editor. #querytip

Literary Agent
This is why you don't use non-standard fonts in your MS. There's no way to read this.
(Double space, 12 pt, Times New Roman is your friend)
#querytip #SlushInsight

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Continuing my Instagram series of most common revision notes I give clients with women’s fiction today. #pubtip #writingtip instagram.com/p/B8Y_xNCADKp/…

Literary Agent
Kim Lionetti @BookEndsKim
Come follow me on Instagram. Over the next several days I’m sharing the top revision notes I give clients, broken down by genre. These are common pitfalls every writer should keep in mind. #querytip #writingtip #pubtip #amagenting instagram.com/p/B8UUV02gzaW/…Today on Instagram I’m listing my 3 most common revision notes for romance clients. #amagenting #pubtip #writingtip

Literary Agent
Come follow me on Instagram. Over the next several days I’m sharing the top revision notes I give clients, broken down by genre. These are common pitfalls every writer should keep in mind. #querytip #writingtip #pubtip #amagenting instagram.com/p/B8UUV02gzaW/…

Literary Agent
#amquerying #querytip As annoying as it is to get a form rejection, you want your future agent to use their time wisely, advancing your career—not wasting hours personalizing rejections.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I just want to remind writers that your agent SHOULD NOT be charging you for services. That's a big red flag.
I happily help my authors with anything they need and I only get paid AFTER they get paid for their book.
#amquerying #querytip #askagent #amagenting #writingcommunity

Literary Agent
Sarah ★★★★★ Nicolas 🏳️🌈 @Sarah_Nicolas
Yes, people are STILL arguing with my suggestion that aspiring writers read ONE recent book. One. Not one hundred. Not to never read older books. Not write a book exactly like that one. Just read one recent book. And they cannot handle it. I'm flabbergasted twitter.com/Sarah_Nicolas/…You should be reading on the genre you write and reading current titles to understand the voice and the themes important to that audience/market. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
📚Sim Carter at Chapter1-Take1 🎞 @simcarter
@BErixson @BookEndsJessica I applaud your focus! I knew how I wanted my book to begin and end but the rest was a blur until I wrote it. I’ve just rewritten my query letter for what feels like the hundredth time, based on input from @ekbuege Hoping the 100th time is the charm!Don't be afraid to let the query letter force you back to the manuscript. Can you write a stronger query that might actually change the path of the manuscript? Take a look. #querytip

Literary Agent
Some really smart advice for writers looking to break into traditional publishing by @LaniForbes mindymcginnis.com/blog/lani-forb… #writingadvice #querytip

Literary Agency
How to Submit Picture Books youtu.be/vRKB_Qi2TgU via @YouTube #QueryTip

Literary Agent
I don't know who needs to hear this but I wrote a lot about query letters last year and you can start here:
#query #literaryagents #amquerying #pubtip

Literary Agent
Anne Tibbets ::CLOSED TO QUERIES:: @AnneTibbets
SAMPLES OF A QUERY PITCH PARAGRAPHwriteforcoffee.blogspot.com/2020/02/sample…
#amquerying #amwriting #writingcommunity
These are so good. You should practice writing a few pitch paragraphs about favorite books before doing yours. #pubtip