Literary Agent
January queriers you are killing me. So many really interesting stories, but I can’t ask for them all 😭
You’re making this really tough in the best way. Nice work! ❤️
#slushinsight #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
How to Use Publishers Marketplace via @YouTube #QueryTip #PubTip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul
@RebeccaOser_URC @grubstreet @jessregel I guarantee you that barrier(s) between you and a book deal do not include you just getting that one chance to sit under fluorescent hideousness in a hotel conference room and razzle-dazzle one special, special agent for 120 seconds.Use them to become canny. To get the gossip. To figure out the shibboleths. This is a #pubtip thread. The end.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Dara Kaye @DaraKaye
Just got a query pitching a book described as both "a true story" and "creatively written nonfiction", but lists only novels as comps and notes it's adapted from a story that won a "Best Fiction" prize #pubtip advice:
Agents have limited time to evaluate submissions. You want us spending it reading and responding, not puzzling over what we're looking at.
Double check you understand the distinctions between genres & your query makes it clear!…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Inbox status: I've responded to all queries sent before today, and all submissions sent before Jan 1, 2020. #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Writers, never rely on third-party sites for CURRENT info on agents. Check their websites. #pubtip
Literary Agent
This is what I think when I get emails from writers that say "I have an offer from a small press. Do you want to be my agent?"…
#amwriting #amquerying #writingcommunity #pubtip #literaryagents #litagents
Literary Agent
Reminder that all queries need to be submitted through the Prospect submission site (unless directed by me) otherwise it will be rejected unread.
This isn't to be mean, but to be fair to all the authors who followed guidelines.
#querytip #SlushInsight
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Morgan Jerkins @MorganJerkins
Multiple people have asked me if you need social media to be seen by the publishing world and I'm the wrong person to ask that. My agent and first acquiring editor found me here. Some friends of mine who have book deals can say the same.UNSOLICITED LIT AGENT’S* #pubtip OPINION: for NF, I am looking for authors w/deep longform talent who are already visible to the audiences that would buy their books and well-networked with people who could help promote. So: (1/2)
*not Morgan’s! Hers is the excellent @modomodom
Literary Agent
Ethan Nosowsky @Nosowsky
@sarahw @mattkeeley @lyzl @likaluca Just FYI, Graywolf sold the Canadian rights and Janklow sold the UK rights in this case. (We acquired North American rights.) Graywolf distributed The Argonauts in Canada.In case you’re wondering:
“Distributed in Canada” means the US publisher shipped the US edition to Canadian outlets. “Sold Canadian rights” means the US publisher made a deal with a Canadien publisher to produce and sell a Canadian edition. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Brandon @blgtylr
The truly chaotic people in this world are the ones who ask for page counts instead of word count like a civilized person.Get used to thinking of your manuscript in terms of words not pages. (Publishing contracts specify # of words.)To estimate: 1 double spaced typed page = 250 words. #pubtip
Don't have an agent but feel your work would be perfect for me? I've just added a Twitter pitch event for this month to my events. Check it out here: #pubtip #querytip #writetip #writersroad