Literary Agent
Now, “normal” doesn’t mean “boring”. Bored characters = bored readers. It should still be engaging and enticing—but it should also showcase the MC AS THEY CURRENTLY ARE. As their life currently is. Not AFTER everything has snowballed into change.
Literary Agent
We NEED to see the MC before the inciting incident. We NEED to see the steps leading to the inciting incident in order to be invested and care about it. We NEED a semblance of normal for them first.
Literary Agent
It’d be like watching The Matrix if it started after Neo has already taken the red pill.
Sure it’d still be cool—but why would we care about him? How would we understand the consequences of this choice? How would we understand the emotional and mental pieces of that choice?
Literary Agent
We’re thrown into an (often) emotionally charged situation, one where life changing stuff has gone down and a lot is going on and it SHOULD be exciting and enthralling...
And all the reader is experiencing is confusion and distance from the MC.
Literary Agent
It may seem logical to start in the meat of things as it’s ramping up—but it has the opposite effect.
If we don’t get to see the character in some version of their “normal”, if we don’t get to see the inciting incident, why should the reader care what happens to them?
Literary Agent
A common theme in my inbox today: beginnings starting in the wrong place.
The query builds a great inciting incident... and then the story begins AFTER that inciting incident has happened. In the aftermath of whatever kicks off the MC’s journey.
#querytip #editingtip
Literary Agent
Good morning #WritingCommunity! I’m already seeing some great queries from you. Just wanted to mention I only accept queries through Query Manager (link is in my Twitter bio), but keep them coming! #querytip
Literary Agent
There is also a certain type of support professional who concentrates all of their talent on their ability to woo and sign new clients. Before hiring anyone in this field, talk to one of their existing clients to make sure they are still feeling flirted with years down the line.
Literary Agent
It's also psychological. A lot of my role is literally just managing my authors' anxiety. (See @kate_mckean's excellent Substack for her thinking on this.) And also engineering the most competitive auction situations possible.😈
Literary Agent
The value of a real support professional is relational and alchemic; it's in what we can create in relationship with you, in relationship with editors, etc. We have the creative and market intelligence to elevate work. We know acquiring editors' personalities and desires.
Literary Agent
A good agent might not have time to do personalized brain picking with you, but if she wants to connect, she will withhold ZERO information about process, norms, competitive advance ranges and royalties, etc. ZERO. Knowledge of that is not our value add.
Literary Agent
Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul
Small #pubtip thread: I was in a coffee shop years ago next to one of those "publishing coaches" doing a paid session with a poor author. As I eavesdropped, he told the woman with great fanfare that he had something very secret and valuable to share: a *real live book proposal.*This is the mark of a charlatan, whether they're a freelance editor, coach, agent, or whatever. If someone tries to pretend like you need to hire them to get "industry secrets" that you can easily find on google or in a book, such a sample proposal, please avoid that person.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Rebecca Faith @RFaithEditorial
Authors, here are 5 tips for that elusive skill, personalizing the query (a thread):1. Avoid telling the agent personal facts about herself. "You are interested in puppies & space opera, so I trust you'll enjoy my novel, GALACTIC DOODLE." (1/9)
Idk how she does it, but I’m indebted to @RFaithEditorial for writing this #querytip thread straight from my own brain!! (Editors *are* basically mind readers so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised)