Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Here is a weird #querytip for #amquerying authors.
Most of you will be aghast, I'm sure.
But for the rest of you: DO NOT try to be flirtatious with me in your query. Do not make it about my looks. I can look like a Tolkien Uruk-hai and STILL sell your books.
Be professional.
Literary Agent
Lynn Johnston @lynnjohnstonlit
Seriously, 2nd books are hard. When an author gives me material for a 2nd book, fundamental changes are often needed. That can be frustrating & discouraging. "I have to work this hard to get published again?" Yes, you do.The biggest challenge as an agent isn't placing an author with no sales record; it's one with a mixed to not-so-great sales record. Some of my most beloved authors fall in this category. #pubtip
Alec Shane @alecdshane
#querytip checking in constantly on the status of your MS will very likely speed up the response process, but you also aren't likely to like the response you get. You don't want to come across as overly demanding or difficult to work with. Publishing is a glacially slow business.Just want to re-up this because I think about this a lot and it's very very true (with necessary caveat that if the situation changes; you have an offer of rep; etc., that is totally 100 percent fine). #querytip
Literary Agent
#querytip and #synopsistip
They are two different things. Do your research. Your query is not a synopsis.
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"There’s no official desired length for a novel synopsis. Agents and editors will prefer synopses of varying lengths, so it’s always best to have a couple on hand."
How to Write a Manuscript Synopsis (in 5 Steps) via @msmariavicente #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agency
Why Literary Agents Don't Give Feedback on Queries #AmQuerying #QueryTip via @YouTube
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Maria Heater @mariatheheater
"This isn't your typical YA""You won't find any vampires or werewolves here"
"This is different from other epic fantasies"
Friends, don't waste your very limited query space on what your story ISN'T. If your story is totally unique, it'll be obvious from your pitch #querytip
When I gave a talk on queries last week, this was the main thing I stressed: Describe your story in a way that no other story could be described. Be specific. Pitch me on what makes it YOURS, not in general terms, or by saying what it isn't. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#pubtip Just a hint. If you decide to send something other than what an agent or editor wants in a submission, you should probably expect a rejection due to either your lack of literacy skills or your refusal to follow directions.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
3) The real key is patience & persistence. This client & I have been at this for a year+. She's put together TOCs & couple of intros. We could have pulled the trigger earlier but none felt right until today.
Literary Agent
2) We stumbled on the exact right comp book. The comp isn't on the same topic but we can make a strong case our book will attract the same readership. The other author has a similar (academic) profile & book sold well - both important for a good comp.
Literary Agent
1) We both kept an open mind. We started with the premise she had valuable knowledge. The challenge was how to turn it into a commercial book. No one dictated or got defensive. It took both of us to solve this.
Literary Agent
I started a call with a client today with "I don't think this idea is going to fly" & by the end of the call, I was like "OMG this is so good." I'm excited about the book concept & can't wait to pitch it to publishers. What happened? #pubtip #amwriting
Literary Agent
To all authors getting ready to pitch at #ThrillerFest19 today, remember: agents go into every pitch session excited to hear about your work. We WANT to love your stuff and sign a bunch of new clients. Absolutely nothing to be nervous about - we're all on the same team. #querytip