Literary Agent

Literary Agency
If you watched last week's video on why agent's don't give feedback on queries, you'll want to watch the follow-up! -- Why Agent's Don't Give Feedback on Submissions #writingcommunity #querytip youtu.be/ywCXETaAlAw via @YouTube

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
Talking Down About Others & Yourself. Agent @ericsmithrocks shares three surprising query letter mistakes: bit.ly/2MPYka6 via @PubCrawlBlog #querytip #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
It's been a really busy summer so even though these look like low numbers, please know that I am behind but still in there. #querystats #queryupdate Oldest Query is May 25; oldest full is Feb 4th or April 1 depending on who you ask.

Literary Agent
Ali Herring (Closed to Queries until 9/1) @HerringAli
Always include plot & stakes in your query letter. You can be the nicest person on earth in your intro, but I still have to know 1-what your novel’s basic hook & plot are & 2-what’s at stake for your characters & their world. I don’t have time to search for it! Auto no. #querytipTruth. Make me fall in love with the premise and then the sample pages. Your bio might be interesting, but the writing is what’ll hook me. #amquerying #querytip #writingcommunity

Literary Agent
I don't represent adult books. So if you are acknowledging that fact IN YOUR QUERY then why even waste your time and query me? Do yourself a favor and query an agent who does represent what you are writing. #amquerying #amwriting #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I often get the sense that writers are trying to flex their lyric/descriptive muscles as hard as possible in the first paragraph of their manuscript--which almost always ends up making it a pass for me. #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Here is a weird #querytip for #amquerying authors.
Most of you will be aghast, I'm sure.
But for the rest of you: DO NOT try to be flirtatious with me in your query. Do not make it about my looks. I can look like a Tolkien Uruk-hai and STILL sell your books.
Be professional.

Literary Agent
Lynn Johnston @lynnjohnstonlit
Seriously, 2nd books are hard. When an author gives me material for a 2nd book, fundamental changes are often needed. That can be frustrating & discouraging. "I have to work this hard to get published again?" Yes, you do.The biggest challenge as an agent isn't placing an author with no sales record; it's one with a mixed to not-so-great sales record. Some of my most beloved authors fall in this category. #pubtip

Alec Shane @alecdshane
#querytip checking in constantly on the status of your MS will very likely speed up the response process, but you also aren't likely to like the response you get. You don't want to come across as overly demanding or difficult to work with. Publishing is a glacially slow business.Just want to re-up this because I think about this a lot and it's very very true (with necessary caveat that if the situation changes; you have an offer of rep; etc., that is totally 100 percent fine). #querytip

Literary Agent
#querytip and #synopsistip
They are two different things. Do your research. Your query is not a synopsis.