Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Please be sure to include your age category AND your genre in your query letter.
#querytip #amquerying #querytrenches
Literary Agency
We live by the 24-hour rule. You should too!… #PubTip #QueryTip
Literary Agent
When I get a query about a topic that sounds interesting, the next thing I need to know is more about the author. What’s their expertise? Why did they decide to write about this topic? All this has to be apparent in the query. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Writers hear that they’re supposed to personalize their queries–but “how personal, exactly?” is the most common question."
Agent @carlywatters shares 10 Ways To Personalize Your Query to Agents 📝 #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kelly 📚 @LitAgentKelly
Hey, so I, as well as all agents and industry professionals, reserve the right to not answer your messages or tweets if they’re seen as creepy, pushy, aggressive, abusive, or just plain questions that we can’t answer or don’t feel comfortable answering. Especially if you continueDo not DM agents asking them to look at your work! Follow our guidelines and submit properly.
We don’t owe you responses on social media when you refuse to respect us. #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#Authors-- you MUST know where you book is going to fit on shelves. If you don't, it means that you're not reading enough. Know your genre, and know it well!… #QueryTip #AmQuerying #AmWriting
Literary Agent
Calvert Morgan @CalMorgan
Word to the wise: The first round of typeset pages is called "first pass pages." That is, they're our first pass at typesetting the book.New authors sometimes refer to "pass pages," as in "I'm done with my pass pages!" That's not quite it.
Better: "I'm done with first pass!"
#Pubtip: Not every publisher gives authors the chance to review the second pass (or make many changes). Take time to go through the first pass line by line.
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Your query is just as important as your book-- workshop it. revise it. get a critique partner for it. Only send it out when it's 100% ready. #QueryTip #AmQuerying
Literary Agent
Cristal is mostly on hiatus🌴 @onaredhorse
The problem with querying the first book in a series is you can't mention the disaster wlw who show up in later books. lol Though to be fair, #QueerDisasterSwagger is my brand regardless of gender. :D…Speaking only for myself and not all agents, but honestly if you know an agent wants something specific that shows up in later books, I think it's fine to mention that in the query letter! Certainly I would love to know. #querytip
Literary Agent
Caitlin McDonald @literallycait
Aaaand it's done! I've officially responded to all queries*! I'm excited to dive into the very excellent fulls I've requested this month, so those authors should stay tuned. #amagenting*other than ones that were withdrawn or had already found representation
Literary Agent
Dara Kaye @DaraKaye
Just got a query pitching a book described as both "a true story" and "creatively written nonfiction", but lists only novels as comps and notes it's adapted from a story that won a "Best Fiction" prize -- I don't have a ton of time to evaluate and respond to submissions --you want me spending that time reading and responding, not trying to puzzle out what the heck I'm looking at.
Double check you understand the distinctions between genres & your query makes it clear!