Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#pubtip Understand that researching editors and agents is not a matter of finding one website with all of the answers. It's detective work!
Literary Agent
Marketing Tip: List blog posts/author interviews on your website - including topic - like @JaneKindred does: janekindred.com/posts/ #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#PLGquery note: Keep your query succinct. If you repeat the same info twice, chances are you need to rework the query. #tenqueries #askagent
Literary Agent
#PLGquery note: the last line of pitch should reinforce or escalate the conflict, not mitigate it. #tenqueries #querytips #askagent
Literary Agent
3 Ways You Know It's Not A Form Rejection wp.me/p1EorO-1my #mondayblogs #pubtip
Literary Agent
#querytip - this ow.ly/yRlZS, and keep smiling.
Literary Agent
So I know this comes as a shocker, since my photo and name are so androgynous, but I am not a guy. #mindblown #querytip
Literary Agent