Please proofread your query letters and submissions! #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Unless they did MT @ChuckSambuchino #pubtip When submitting your book to agents, don't say God, aliens or Oprah told you to write the story
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Pulling together my notes for Mastering Your Query #PubTip: Identify your book's hook; unique how? via @DetWkgWriters
Literary Agency
#Pubtip When editing your story, think as a reader not an author. Would you really want to read this?
Literary Agent
Looking for critique help? I recommend chapter meetings and critique groups sponsored by @romancewriters and @scbwi #pubtip
Literary Agency
#pubtip Of course if someone does make a recommendation, especially an editor or agent, you should likely listen.
Literary Agency
#Pubtip At the end of the day, the story is still your story. Regardless of what others say, you get ti decide what to use.
Literary Agency
#Pubtip Remember there are no right or wrong approaches in writing. Your book dictates what is right or wrong.
Literary Agent
Query-ers, pls remember to include 10 sample pages of your fiction at the end of the query. #pubtip #amwriting #mswl #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Marketing Tip: These book teasers are perfect. Want to do book teasers? Do like @Christina_Lee04 does here: #pubtip