Eric Williams


5310 Publishing

Publisher at @5310publishing spreading happiness every day through books. I'm changing the world, one book at a time! 😁 I'm a bottomless pit of information!

Eric Williams
Publisher at @5310publishing spreading happiness every day through books. I'm changing the world, one book at a time! 😁 I'm a bottomless pit of information!
7 AskAgent
26 Tips

I know everyone is excited about nanowrimo and stuff, but it’s really not a good time to query with any agent. It’s the end of the year, most agents are triple busy and don’t have time to read any submissions. #querytip

Eric Williams
Publisher at @5310publishing spreading happiness every day through books. I'm changing the world, one book at a time! 😁 I'm a bottomless pit of information!
7 AskAgent
26 Tips

#QueryTip: if you have a website, make sure it works. If you have social media accounts, make sure they are active.

There’s no point mentioning them in your query if they are not working/active/updated.

Eric Williams
Publisher at @5310publishing spreading happiness every day through books. I'm changing the world, one book at a time! 😁 I'm a bottomless pit of information!
7 AskAgent
26 Tips

Agents and publishers have specific submission guidelines, and you must follow them, always. #querytip #amquerying