Literary Agency
Abby @WriterAbbyWhite
@FuseLiterary I know it is improving, but you think the sci fi/fantasy genres still need masculine author names? #askfuse.@WriterAbbyWhite It's not a necessity, no. If you're just starting out, I'd have that conversation with your agent & publisher. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Abby @WriterAbbyWhite
#askfuse Also, what is your opinion of using a pen name?.@WriterAbbyWhite It's a commitment, but it can be great (and sometimes necessary) for branding. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Mike Samonek @mikesamonek
@FuseLiterary How can someone who gets tons of rejections figure out what part (concept vs writing) is the problem? #askfuse Thanks again..@mikesamonek Always look for trends in the response. Some don't use form letters, and that will help. Also workshop your sub. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse if a website says to check in at 3 months, and it's been longer than that, is it OK to check in? Or should I wait?.@Coffee_Is_love Yes. We want you to follow directions. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Mike Samonek @mikesamonek
Are most query rejections based on concept, query or writing sample? Same question for requests. Thanks! #AskFuse.@mikesamonek Query rejections vary quite a bit, but at the request stage, it's usually because the writing doesn't deliver. #AskFuse
Literary Agent
I'm having an open call for middle grade subs & will be open to unsolic #MG queries From Apr 15 to May 15: #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "Any advice for people who want to get into publishing?" MY ANSWER: MARRY WELL. Or read this: #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "How do you feel about aromantic characters in YA" -- MY ANSWER, in which I have to google that: #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: Are you interested in Diverse Dystopia? MY ANSWER with bonus mention of Needles, CA. >> #askagent
Literary Agent
Rebekah Fraser @RebekahLFraser
@JessicaMileo At what point do you like to see a submission? Draft 3? Draft 50? After it's been edited by a pro?@RebekahLFraser At least a few drafts but it depends on what ur MS needs. Definitely proof for gramatical/spelling errors #askagent
Literary Agency
#askagent - "Was there any book that was 'required reading' from school that has stuck with you? Why or why not?"…
Literary Agency
Our latest #askagent - "Is there a time that the hype about a book changed/ruined your reading experience? How so?"…
Literary Agency
#askagent from our Tumblr: What is an ideal word count range for a debut novel? Answer:
Literary Agent
For the Monday crowd, here is a by-the-numbers round-up of queries entered into the Feb feedback giveaway:… #askagent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "But ok if I get an agent, what are my chances of selling a book REALLY?" MY ANSWER:… #askagent
Literary Agent
I did a bunch of #AskAgent questions on le tumblr. Yes I am procrastinating shhhhh.
Literary Agency
Sarah ThankYouHoney @ThankHoney
What are some of the qualities you look for in new writers? @FuseLiterary #AskFuse.@ThankHoney Drive, talent, new ideas, and a willingness to collaborate. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Kimberly Zapata @KimZapata
Is there a recommended number of pages/words per page for picture books (3 to 5 years)? @FuseLiterary #askFuse #Babbletribe.@KimZapata Usually you're looking at 32 pages and less than 500 words or so total (but it varies). #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Mama Needs A Cupcake @MamacupcakeKane
How do you go about getting a book that has been published picked up by a larger publisher? #AskFuse.@MamacupcakeKane We've done it, but it almost never happens. Your best bet is to pitch a new project. #AskFuse