Literary Agency
🎄Whitney Davis🎄 @wdavisliterary
@FuseLiterary if an agent passes on ur query but said it would be good for another agent, is it ok to ask who they had in mind? #AskFuse.@wdavisliterary No need to follow up. The agent will either make that referral, or they won't. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Lora Douglas @LoraWrites
@FuseLiterary #askfuse how long is too long when returning a revise/resubmit request? 6months? A year?.@LoraWrites It varies, but you should usually turn around an R&R quickly (but not too quickly). A month or so, rather than a year. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Ann Campbell Reed @ACampbellReed
Genre question: Would a traditional ghost story with a creepy haunted house, ala Shirley Jackson fall under horror or paranormal? #AskFuse.@ACampbellReed It depends upon the approach, but ghosts are supernatural. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Jordan Marie Green @jordanmarigreen
#AskFuse what is the etiquette for pitching agents at book festivals? Okay to mention that I am querying and see if they want to hear pitch?.@jordanmarigreen No need. It's generally understood that a conference pitch will not be an exclusive pitch. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Cecelia Mecca ⚔️ @CeceliaMecca
In researching #literaryagents many are open to #romance but few request #historicalromance. Is that too narrow a focus? #AskFuse #amwriting.@CeceliaMecca Not at all. In fact, they want you to be more specific, stating the time period, etc. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Ann Campbell Reed @ACampbellReed
Hi All! It seems like 3rd person, 2 MC POVs is industry standard for romance. Or is 1st person 1 MC POV also acceptable? #AskFuse.@ACampbellReed Perhaps more common, but by no means "industry standard." It's a diverse genre, & you can use different approaches #AskFuse
Literary Agent
Writers, want feedback on your MG submission? Details here!… #mswl #askagent
Literary Agent
Today's #askagent answers come from 9000 ft above sea level: #PPWC2016
Literary Agent
Gina Gough @beanie345
@JoannaMoult @AmberCaraveo #askagent How do we find info about an agency? Their submission successes etc if the info not on their website#askagent @beanie345 It's more important that you find the right connection with an agent, really. That is easier judged if you meet them.
Literary Agent
DecEMMAber Festive-Prancer @FinlaysonPalmer
But what if there is more than one that is as excited as you are? @Serendipity_Viv @AmberCaraveo #askagent@FinlaysonPalmer @Serendipity_Viv Then go with the one who you feel you could work best with. #askagent
Literary Agent
Kaspar de Vries @KasparDeVries
@JoannaMoult #askagent I think the issue is that I'm too off trend. But not a trend setter :-) Just wondering if might be hope for future.#askagent @KasparDeVries Trends come and go. Keep going and as long as you're enjoying writing then it is never wasted. Your time will come!
Literary Agent
Elizabeth Dunn @elizabethdunn89
Did u get to c US publishers? R they looking 4 different things than UK? What is general feeling in both markets and differences?#askagent@elizabethdunn89 Epic Q! Yes & similar things with some small diffs. Both markets buoyant. More diffs between editors than markets #askagent
Literary Agent
Kerry Gooderson @kgizmothefirst
@Viking_Ma @AmberCaraveo @JoannaMoult keep going, when I got feedback I shut up shop 4a yr, too crushed. Get back on the bike, keep at it!#askagent @kgizmothefirst @Viking_Ma It is crushing. We do know that. But do keep getting back on the bike. No writing is ever wasted.
Literary Agent
Kaspar de Vries @KasparDeVries
@JoannaMoult So how much do trends matter and should trends change would it be worth resubmitting? #askagent#askagent @KasparDeVries Don't try & write to trend. You really need to find a way to write what you love and also what readers want to read
Literary Agent
Melissa Jordan @melissacreate15
@JoannaMoult @GATaylor3 outbof curiocity what makes a 'voice contemporary?' #askagent#askagent @melissacreate15 @GATaylor3 So set in the real world and around now in terms of 'era' and a voice that sounds authentic for today.
Literary Agent
Guy Lucas @GuyLucas01
@JoannaMoult @AmberCaraveo Are there any topics/stories you see a lot of on the old slush pile that are best avoided? #askagent@GuyLucas01 Still seeing quite a lot of dystopia & it's not the best time for it at the mo - there's been too much too recently. #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Anne Boyle @JanetBoyle10
#askagent would agents ever take their authors to a book fair?@JanetBoyle10 Publishers more likely to do this than agents as more valuable 4 author to be at fair if they already have publisher #askagent
Literary Agent
Kaspar de Vries @KasparDeVries
#askagent - if you've been multi rejected with 'love it but don't know how to sell this' does that mean it's off trend or something else?#askagent @KasparDeVries Tricky. Worth trying to get more feedback. I'd suggest trying writing something else. No writing is every wasted.
Literary Agent
Elizabeth Dunn @elizabethdunn89
Can u give us an inside look at an agent's day at a book fair @AmberCaraveo @JoannaMoult ...go where? do what? speak with...? #askagent#askagent @elizabethdunn89 Lots of half hr mtgs w publishers/scouts, running to diff stands, crap lunch, more meetings, drinks & chat in eve