Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Kimberly Zapata @KimZapata
Is it best to pitch a children's picture book (intended audience 3 to 5) with or w/out illustrations? #AskFuse #BabbleTribe @FuseLiterary.@KimZapata Usually without. Publishers like to match the text with an illustrator. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Amanda Gernentz Hanson @amandamariegh
@FuseLiterary Do New Adult books have to be about college romance, or is it more about the age of the characters? #AskFuse.@amandamariegh No. That's just what has sold best (by far) in that age category. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Alison Tedford @alliespins
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse How big a social following/platform size do you require for a blog-to-book project or a blog spinoff?.@alliespins Depends upon genre & how much you're relying on the popularity of your blog. If that's yr 1 strength, usually 100k+. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Gail Hoffer-Loibl @BloggerGail
If subject is on sensory issues for kids do you need an expert to co-author #askfuse #somanyquestions!.@BloggerGail It depends a bit upon target audience, but usually NF needs to come from a recognized expert. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Deborah Maroulis @yaddathree
@FuseLiterary When asked for the MS by the agent, how long does the nail biting writer typically wait to hear back? #AskFuse.@yaddathree Usually a few months, but it varies a lot. I could be reading instead of answering this, for one. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Gail Hoffer-Loibl @BloggerGail
What word counts work best for preschoolers?#askfuse.@BloggerGail Children's PB are often just a few hundred. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Tariq(タリク) @FairyTailHeaux
@FuseLiterary What is the avg. word count agents want for Fantasy (non-YA)? #AskFuse(Seen a couple of different ranges, so I'm not sure)
.@FairyTailHeaux SF/F skews long. It's perfectly fine to flirt w 100k, for example. Here's a great post:… #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Our answers for the latest #askagent - "What do you wish more authors knew about literary agents/agencies?"…
Literary Agency
Agent @MsMariaVicente answers your writing & publishing questions in her latest Ask Mar Collection: #askagent
Literary Agency
.@Claribel_Ortega You're honestly a few years late on that, but keep writing! Trends are cyclical. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Rachel Connor 🦁 @ItsRachelConnor
@FuseLiterary that's great, thank you :) one more if I may...are some agents put off by co-authored manuscripts? #askfuse.@ItsRachelConnor It's more work for the agent, but it's sometimes necessary. I've even encouraged co-authors for certain projects. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Rachel Connor 🦁 @ItsRachelConnor
#AskFuse I've heard tell that agents don't like prologues. Would you be put off by a prologue in a query?.@ItsRachelConnor It's not that agents don't like prologues, it's that they r often unnecessary. Be sure 2 edit & follow guidelines #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Bella Anton @IBellaAnton
@FuseLiterary Who would you recommend for a new adult historical fantasy novel? #AskFuse.@TheExaltedWitch @dreamoforgonon is brilliant with SF/F. You can view all our guidelines & specialties at #AskFuse
Literary Agency
AmandaCharles @amandaLcharles
#askfuse @FuseLiterary seeing agents state 'accessible fantasy' on their wishlists. What's the definition of this, or meant by accessible?.@amandaLcharles That's a relative term, but it roughly means that it can be enjoyed by a more mainstream audience. #AskFuse
Literary Agent
I had lots more to say about Agent Ethics, scams on querying writers, etc. (includes bonus lazerbeam cat.) #AskAgent
Literary Agent
Kelly Arnold @kklstef
Remembered another question for #BookEndsChat Do you always respond, positive or negative, to partials and fulls?@kklstef Yup, always. I may be behind (and thanks for your patience guys!) but I'll respond to everything. Queries & MS alike #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Kelly Arnold @kklstef
Remembered another question for #BookEndsChat Do you always respond, positive or negative, to partials and fulls?@kklstef Yes, always. And to every query too. #BookEndsChat