Literary Agent
@jodieworld #askagent If he hopes to make a career of if (& it's fiction) the whole book.
Literary Agent
Courtney Gilfillian @CourtGilfill
.@alecdshane Is it important for writers to personalize queries? #askagent@CourtGilfill YES! Mention a book you liked or an interview an agent gave. Proof that you did your homework goes a LONG way. #askagent
Literary Agency
3...2...1...KABOOM! Another great #AskFuse. Bid on query critiques for mental illness here: Ends soon! #MS4MI
Literary Agency
Katie Spina @KatieSpina
@FuseLiterary how do you query a fantasy standalone that sets up series linked by the world rather than characters ala discworld #askfuse.@KatieSpina If the rest don't require this book, it's a standalone with series potential. Otherwise it's the first in a series. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
.@MeinhardtBrandy That depends upon the agent and the project. Some will stop after 10, others keep going for years. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Jim Ormonde @jimormonde
#AskFuse If previously submitted w/o success but completely rewritten novel with help from creditable prof editor would you reconsider?.@jimormonde Usually no, unless the agent specifically asked for edits. That's why it's important to edit before you submit! #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
.@CareyTorg Always have a synopsis ready when querying fiction, & always give the agent/publisher exactly what they ask for. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Ann Campbell Reed @ACampbellReed
Are 2 MC first-person POVs too much for YA? Have heard it’s distracting and not a good practice and others say it’s desirable. #AskFuse.@ACampbellReed It's very tricky, but it can be done well. Make sure the voices are distinguishable, and you're good. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
.@CareyTorg Ideally we'd see how it all adds up to one narrative experience, so consider just labeling the timelines. #AskFuse
Amanda Bergeron @ABergeron11
Curious: what is on everyone's weekend TBR pile? #AskAvonBks.@ABergeron11 The Hunter @Kerrigan_Byrne. I'm obsessed! #AskAvonBks
LiberalPhenom (#44) @LiberalPhenom
@ElleKeck So we may query you directly? @nicolefischer13 @Laforesta1 @avonbooksHave a romance to submit to @avonbooks? Send it to us here:! #askavonbks…
Nicole Lynn Hoefs @nicolelynnhoefs
What age categories does Avon Books publish? #AskAvonBks.@nicolelynnhoefs I'm not sure if this is what you mean but Avon doesn't publish YA. We do all other adult romances! #askavonbks
Literary Agency
Do you follow us on #tumblr? We answer many #askagent Q's every week! Exhibit A:…
Literary Agent
Dorian Maffei @DorianMaffei
To the author who has written a 550,000 word book: That word count could kill someone. Please shoot for under 100,000 words. #querytipOuch! My eyes hurt just thinking about it. For most adult fiction 80,000 words is the sweet spot. #askagent…
Literary Agency
#AskAgent "Do you have any bad book habits?" New Leaf agents have some interesting answers to this one!…
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "How long is reasonable to give other agents to respond to an offer nudge?" MY ANSWER: #askagent