Literary Agent
Kate Poels @KatePoelsAuthor
@SkylarkLit If you could take the essence of any loved character and wrap it in a new modern story who would you choose? #AskAgentHi Kate! I would choose Pippi Longstocking, I think! I love the freedom she has! #AskAgent @KatePoelsAuthor
Literary Agent
JJ Barnes 🦋 @JudieannRose
@AmberCaraveo #askagent when I submit my 1st YA novel to you tomorrow, what's the most common mistake I should avoid?@JudieannRose Don't forget to send the full not just the first few chapters. All agents are different but we like a full ms.
Literary Agent
S.H. Marr @SH_Marr_Writes
@LZats #askagent How long should an author take with an R&R at maximum?@SH_Marr_Writes I don't have a set time limit. The best answer? As fast as possible, while also doing it the best as possible #askagent
Literary Agent
Emily Oberton @obertonwrites
@LZats #askagent I think I know the answer 2 this :) but does an author have to finish writing the book before querying an agent?@eoberton For fiction, yes. For non-fiction, no. #askagent
Literary Agent
Kelly @kbarina113
@LZats #askagent If I've heavily revised my manuscript and my query, is okay to query the same agent again?@TsuyoKirai technically, no--we're also saying that the idea doesn't jive with us. If it's unrecognizable, then that's okay #askagent
Literary Agent
Meredith Ireland @MeredithIreland
@LZats #askagent What are your thoughts on having queries out for more than one manuscript? I've heard conflicting ideas. Thanks!@MeredithIreland Don't do it! There's nothing sadder than giving and R+R to hear that an author signed based on a better book #askagent
Literary Agent
Emily Oberton @obertonwrites
@LZats #askagent Do you have to be published to get an agent? If so, what’s a good starting point? #newby@eoberton No! Almost all of my authors are brand new like you, and I get to sell their first book! #askagent
Literary Agent
@GregAndree71 I rep R, just not YA R. In R, romance as the source of the tension & uses tropes. F w/R has other tension sources #askagent
Literary Agent
Laura Zats @LZats
@GregAndree71 I'm highly editorial, b/c I began as an editor. I love to brainstorm/dev ed, but don't copyedit/replace betas/CPs! #askagent@GregAndree71 Normally, I begin w/ advising on new ideas "should I write this, y/n" and then do dev after beta rounds #askagent
Literary Agent
@GregAndree71 I'm highly editorial, b/c I began as an editor. I love to brainstorm/dev ed, but don't copyedit/replace betas/CPs! #askagent
Literary Agent
Mendeia @mendeia
@LZats #askagent Is it worth it to query when self-promotion terrifies me (I'm an introvert)? Will lack of Facebook make me unpublishable?@mendeia Twitter is more important, and you're already here! Read… and make it less scary! #askagent
Literary Agent
May B. Bridges 💋 @MayBBridges
@LZats #askagent Do you feel like Adult is a harder sale than YA or MG right now?@MayBBridges Not at all! People be reading all over the place. It's just different editors I sell to #askagent
Literary Agent
Elissa Dickey @ElissaDickey
@LZats #askagent Are any agents at Red Sofa open to darker, apocalyptic women's fiction (set in MN)? Thank you!@ElissaDickey maybe Bree? Check our rep categories on the site! #askagent
Literary Agent
Lucas Pederson 👀 @pederson_lucas
@LZats What narrative voice engages you?@pederson_lucas It varies based on category and genre! But I love smart + funny + poignant in kidlit and smart in adult #askagent
Literary Agent
Amanda Marie @AmandaMOlivier
@LZats Hi there! Is it okay to have a Goodreads Author account for indie pubbed works if I'm also interested in traditional querying? :)@AmandaMOlivier YES! But don't query something already self-pubbed #askagent
Literary Agent
Rachel Lenzi @lenziwrites
.@LZats if you aren't interested in a manuscript, would you pass it along to another agent or strictly move along?@lenziwrites I pass it on if I think it's good enough to be seen, but just isn't my taste, and if someone at theSofa might like it #askagent
Literary Agent
Claribel A. Ortega - On Fake Hiatus 💙 @Claribel_Ortega
@LZats how would you feel about a YA (Fantasy) book set in the 80s? #askagent@Claribel_Ortega Fairly neutral as a basic premise--this is one that will depend 100% on the story itself! #askagent
Literary Agent
S.H. Marr @SH_Marr_Writes
@LZats #askagent How do you think YA books about aro/ace characters should be handled in such a romance-heavy category?@SH_Marr_Writes I don't LIKE romance YA, so I'm into that idea! Handle it by writing them as real ppl & make sure audience gets it #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Rachel Stevenson @whatshewrote
@LZats #askagent does query history influence your decision when requesting a MS?@whatshewrote Y (ish). If irecognize a name and might read more slowly, but if you've queried me 3x, I might not be right for u #askagent