Literary Agent
Later this afternoon I'm going to be answering #askagent questions on tumblr. Ask here:
Literary Agency
madolyn locke @madolynlocke
@FuseLiterary What's your favorite thing to see in a query letter? What makes you smile & keep reading? :) #AskFuse.@madolynlocke A compelling, unique hook. Wow me with something I haven't seen before, then wow me with the writing. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Pamela Schmid @pam_schmid
Is a proposal needed w/ a query when I've got a completed memoir ms. that reads like fiction? #AskFuse.@pam_schmid Not 100% necessary, but it's such a competitive market that it's in yr best interest to spend that extra time on one. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Is there a want for diverse books like a story of mental illness in a parent from a child's eyes in YA? Specifically bipolar? #AskFuse.@elusi0n Sure, if it's well done and unique. That isn't an untapped subject. Just don't refer to YAs as children. Teens hate that. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@FuseLiterary what happens when you're about to sign with an agent? Like, do they email, then call, then send a contract #AskFuse.@Coffee_Is_love There is always communication before an agent sends a contract. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Poppy Alexander @FicAuthorPoppy
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse do agents iso clients want only polished, ready to sell MS's, or writers w 1 or more ready-for-final-draft works?.@FicAuthorPoppy Fiction should only be queried when polished. Anything less will be rejected. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Lauren Simonis @SimonisLauren
Any easy ways to determine if something is spec fic or sci-fi? #askfuse.@SimonisLauren Spec Fic encompasses Sci-Fi. @dreamoforgonon has a great blog on SF/F subcategories here:… #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
.@GregAndree71 Depends upon agent & agency. E.G. @AuthorTrish is working closely w @agentsavant, so it's more of a joint decision. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
madolyn locke @madolynlocke
@FuseLiterary Realistically, do unsolicited queries have a shot of being picked up? #AskFuse.@madolynlocke I've signed most of my list from the slush, but never one lamenting the difficulty of querying. Stay positive! #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Roxanne Lambie @roxannelambie
Having trouble placing my MS. It's a time travel romance, but I've read I should call it sci-if/romance. Thoughts? Pretty please. #AskFuse.@roxannelambie SF & Rom r 2 separate genres, so u need to decide which is the trunk & which is the branch, & pitch accordingly. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Heather Smith @SmithWriter
@FuseLiterary What's the funniest thing you've ever seen in a query letter? #AskFuse.@SmithWriter "This is the next Harry Potter." #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Marie Wallace @MarieMWallace
Trend forecast for YA and NA? #AskFuse.@MarieMWallace NA still in desperate need of branching out. Don't count out a good contemporary in YA. Diversity a plus in either. #AskFuse
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "How many copies does a book have to sell to become a bestseller" - MY ANSWER: #AskAgent
Literary Agency
Tumblr #AskAgent: Can an author suggest which publishing houses they'd like their agent to try to sell their MS to?