Literary Agent
JJ Barnes 馃 @JudieannRose
@SkylarkLit i have ideas for "in universe" stories with different characters as focus but the same lore. Would that be marketable? #askagent@JudieannRose @SkylarkLit Yes, definitely could be. Needs to be a very strong and vivid world! #askagent
Literary Agent
Guy Lucas @GuyLucas01
#Askagent @SkylarkLit How important is an online presence? Are there any resources you recommend writers take advantage of now? Blogs etc?It is not by any means vital but it is really helpful if you already have an online presence. And it's FUN! #AskAgent @GuyLucas01
Literary Agent
Chitra Soundar @csoundar
@AmberCaraveo @JanetBoyle10 inventing new ones might be more fun ?! #AskAgent@csoundar @JanetBoyle10 Certainly can be but there are times where you're going for a certain feel & brands help, sadly. #askagent
Literary Agent
Anne Boyle @JanetBoyle10
#AskAgent @SkylarkLit Hi both -what are the rules around product placement in children's books- naming chocolate bars for example?@JanetBoyle10 Generally best to avoid unless it's important or very natural and ubiquitous - like a certain brand of Cola! #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Sofia Fionda @sfionda12
@AmberCaraveo sorry that's my fault! I meant comparing your book to others, or saying it would appeal to fans of other authors #askagent@sfionda12 Oh, no, that's fine & a good idea! I meant when someone tells us how their book should be marketed to readers. #askagent
Literary Agent
DecEMMAber Festive-Prancer @FinlaysonPalmer
@JoannaMoult @AmberCaraveo Do you provide an editorial service that authors can pay for? @Viking_Ma #AskAgent@FinlaysonPalmer @JoannaMoult @Viking_Ma No, simply cos we are too busy! Providing editorial services is a full time job itself. #askagent
Literary Agent
That really depends on the quality of the story. A great YA novel doesn't NEED to have romance. @TheJackPreston #askagent
Literary Agent
@TheJackPreston Consider Robin Stevens' very wonderful Wells & Wong mysteries! :-) #askagent
Literary Agent
I would say that we still do see series, partic at younger end of the age range. Mind now blank of examples tho'! #AskAgent @TheJackPreston
Literary Agent
Carolyn Ward @Viking_Ma
#askagent @SkylarkLit would there be a scenario where you work with a writer prior to signing them? is this common?Yes, in some cases, where we love the writing, we will give editorial feedback and see how an author gets on. #AskAgent @Viking_Ma
Literary Agent
@sfionda12 Publishers know their stuff when it comes to marketing... 2/2 #askagent
Literary Agent
Sofia Fionda @sfionda12
#askagent what are the biggest no-no's in a query letter?@sfionda12 All agents differ. For me, it's telling me about all the marketing opportunities! I just want a great book! 1/2 #askagent
Literary Agent
Sofia Fionda @sfionda12
#askagent what advice would you give to YA writers taking a real culture and using it to influence a fantasy world?@sfionda12 Excellent idea. It always enriches - see Leigh Bardugo's books for e.g. Do it! :-) #askagent
Literary Agent
Laura H @sisterspooky
@AmberCaraveo @SkylarkLit @JoannaMoult how do you read submissions? Printed out? On a kindle? #askagentWe both read on a kindle or on our PCs. Paper gets too heavy! #AskAgent @sisterspooky @AmberCaraveo @SkylarkLit
Literary Agent
Guy Lucas @GuyLucas01
#askagent Is Sci-Fi a no go? There seem to be very few published, but @whatSFSaid's #Phoenix was amazing! Why do so few get published?@GuyLucas01 @whatSFSaid Agree entirely re. Phoenix. SF is a hard sell for some reason. Hence has to be extra great to get pubbed. #askagent
Literary Agent
JJ Barnes 馃 @JudieannRose
@SkylarkLit if the explanation for the double l in Lilly is revealed, would the unusual spelling turn you off too quickly? #askagent@JudieannRose @SkylarkLit No, it's a minor thing & if there's a good reason, it's fine! :-) #askagent
Literary Agent
Well it's a good sign. Try and stay cool and open-minded to suggestions would be my advice! #AskAgent @ALynchwriter