Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
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Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips

LC Milburn @LCMilburn

Hope this Q makes sense! If you sign an author for a project (book A) and they have another MS you’re not as interested in (book B) would you still help them shepherd book B (presumably after book A) to publication because they’re your client and you love them?? 😂 #askGZLA
Replying to @LCMilburn

This is a hard question lol. I think it’s case by case but really if i think my opinion of the book will be a detriment to the author then i would let them go forth on that book with another agent. They don’t benefit from having an agent who doesn’t like their book. #askgzla

Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips

Suz Page @SuzPageWrites

How important are comp titles. And what do you feel a comp title should convey. #askGZLA
Replying to @SuzPageWrites

They’re so hard. Supposedly they indicate two things: there is a market for it as evidenced by other similar books and also it’s a way to describe the book in a hooky way. They can be important for publishers to anticipate sales (and offers). #askgzla

Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips

Taylor Kemper @Taylortac

#askGZLA What makes you automatically say “pass!” when you read the first few sample pages?
Replying to @Taylortac

It really depends! There can be a whole bunch of like clinical reasons but a lot of the time for me it’s a gut thing. I need to be able to read it again and again, so i have to LOVE it personally. #askgzla

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

George Jreije @JorgeJreije

Are there any recent SFF MG authors or books that have stood out for you? #askgzla
Replying to @JorgeJreije

This one's contemp with light Sci-Fi elements, but I loved @ibizoboi's MY LIFE AS AN ICE CREAM SANDWICH. And this one came out a couple years back, but @Mike_Jung's UNIDENTIFIED SUBURBAN OBJECT. #askGZLA

Marietta B Zacker
Literary Agent
obsessions: 📚🍦💃🏽, representation in books & in all of life matters to this unabashed Latinx; co-owner & literary agent at @galltzackerlit ; author (she/her)
44 AskAgent
Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips
Marietta B Zacker
Literary Agent
obsessions: 📚🍦💃🏽, representation in books & in all of life matters to this unabashed Latinx; co-owner & literary agent at @galltzackerlit ; author (she/her)
44 AskAgent
Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips
Marietta B Zacker
Literary Agent
obsessions: 📚🍦💃🏽, representation in books & in all of life matters to this unabashed Latinx; co-owner & literary agent at @galltzackerlit ; author (she/her)
44 AskAgent

Eric Wong @sequentialsmart

@GalltZackerLit @erin_michelle_C @LindaRandom @AgentZacker @beth_phelan Are remote positions working for an agent, e.g. a reader, a thing and how would one go about pursuing that?

Replying to @sequentialsmart

Yes - if any agency has those opportunities, they're typically listed on their website. But I've also seen posts on Twitter and on Pub Marketplace (for example - there are other places as well) #askGZLA

Marietta B Zacker
Literary Agent
obsessions: 📚🍦💃🏽, representation in books & in all of life matters to this unabashed Latinx; co-owner & literary agent at @galltzackerlit ; author (she/her)
44 AskAgent

Noreen @naziaso

#askagent #askGZLA How polished an MS are agents looking for being that it will go through numerous edits even after signing with an agent. Thx!
Replying to @naziaso

Unpolished is tough. I always say that if I could turn around the next day & place that ms with an editor, you would be OK with that. Of course, that's not the way it will go down (& we will polish more), but I'm not a critique partner, so the more polished the better. #askGZLA

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips
Marietta B Zacker
Literary Agent
obsessions: 📚🍦💃🏽, representation in books & in all of life matters to this unabashed Latinx; co-owner & literary agent at @galltzackerlit ; author (she/her)
44 AskAgent

Taylor Kemper @Taylortac

#askGZLA I was asked by an agent once to send along my Pinterest mood/inspiration board with my query. Should I consider doing this for every query as a visual representation of my story, or no? #amquerying
Replying to @Taylortac

Only if it's something that truly inspires you. Otherwise, it will feel tacked on and not intrinsic to your work. You don't have to have a mood board in order to write (although I recognize that for some people, it's essential). We're all inspired differently! #askGZLA

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips
Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

Alice Arley 🍗🍁🥧 @AliceArley

What defines a comp?(storyline vs theme etc). Can a comp be a movie/play? #askGZLA Does a comp have to be in your genre (ie. Can you say "a YA GOT for example?).
Replying to @AliceArley

It can be in regards to storyline or theme, though I generally look for "feel." It can be tricky to do it outside of the genre, but it's definitely possible. Books are ideal, but movies/plays can work! #askGZLA

Marietta B Zacker
Literary Agent
obsessions: 📚🍦💃🏽, representation in books & in all of life matters to this unabashed Latinx; co-owner & literary agent at @galltzackerlit ; author (she/her)
44 AskAgent
Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

Sara Kapadia @sarakapadia

How long after getting a like from an agent during a pitch event is acceptable to wait before querying? #askgzla
Replying to @sarakapadia

You can query as soon as you like, provided it's ready to go. I generally caution against waiting a very long time, like a year or two afterward. #askGZLA

Marietta B Zacker
Literary Agent
obsessions: 📚🍦💃🏽, representation in books & in all of life matters to this unabashed Latinx; co-owner & literary agent at @galltzackerlit ; author (she/her)
44 AskAgent

Katie LaRae 🏳️‍🌈 @The_Katie_LaRae

What factors do you consider when requesting an R&R versus offering on a project? #Askgzla
Replying to @The_Katie_LaRae

When I can visualize right away the changes I think would make the ms stronger, but also feel like those changes are imperative in order for me to feel right about representing it. To be fair, I don't do a ton of R&Rs, but if I can't let go of something, I might. #askGZLA

Marietta B Zacker
Literary Agent
obsessions: 📚🍦💃🏽, representation in books & in all of life matters to this unabashed Latinx; co-owner & literary agent at @galltzackerlit ; author (she/her)
44 AskAgent

Michelle Lindo Rice @mlindorice

What are some reasons that an agent might reject a full manuscript request #askgzla
Replying to @mlindorice

For me ... not feeling like I would be the right champion. I truly want to FEEL IT in the hopes of passing that feeling on to editors. I don't have to identify w/ everything & everyone, but I do want to feel some emotion. When I don't, I think it's only fair that I pass #askGZLA

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips