Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips

Michelle Lindo Rice @mlindorice

What are some reasons that an agent might reject a full manuscript request #askgzla
Replying to @mlindorice

Sometimes it’s a really strong opening that gets us to request, but maybe the rest of the book didn’t get enough polish or the plotting went somewhere that didn’t resonate ultimately #askgzla

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

Katie LaRae 🏳️‍🌈 @The_Katie_LaRae

What factors do you consider when requesting an R&R versus offering on a project? #Askgzla
Replying to @The_Katie_LaRae

I don't really do R&Rs these days, but I did a few when I was in my first year of agenting. I did them when I saw promise, but the manuscript was not quite there. #askGZLA

Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips
Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

Sasa Hawk @SasaHawk

@NaomisLitPix Thanks for doing this! When a query rejection says that the agent would be interested in seeing your future work, is that genuine or just a polite nicety?
Replying to @SasaHawk

I can only speak for me, and it is often part of a form letter. For me, yes it is genuine but also part of a form letter. I NEVER want to miss the opportunity to read something new from an author no matter why I rejected on the 1st place. #askagent

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

Jacob Tedrow @jatedr

@NaomisLitPix What are the easiest factors for differentiating between young adult and adult fantasy?
Replying to @jatedr

YA vs A comes down to not only age, but the manner in which characters interact with authority and the maturity with which they approach things like conflict, confusion, fear, and doubt. Think of how teens handle these things vs adults. #askagent

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

Tiana Torres @tiananicole15

@NaomisLitPix Hi Naomi. When you’re world building and introducing your mc in a ms, how soon should info like name, age, setting, etc. be revealed? Is there any sort of golden rule (e.g. name + age by page 10)? This is for ya contemporary if that helps!
Replying to @tiananicole15

Name matters early on, but make sure it is introduced organically. Age can often be subtle and implied by showing activities, setting, or family config. Nothing "told" to the reader in a way that is not organic in the scene. Organic is challenging, but important! #askagent

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips
Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

M.R. Kistler @MRKistlerWrites

@NaomisLitPix Is there any hope for Heroic Fantasy in the market? I’m getting a lot of love for a manuscript, but nobody seems keen on adding the genre to their list right now. What’s the outlook?
Replying to @MRKistlerWrites

Absolutely there is. The market wants a FRESH take on fantasy stories without relying on Tolkien-esque tropes and worlds that feel generic based on previous saturation in fantasy. Also fresh, never seen before POVs #askagent

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

Stacy A. Alderman @StacyAnneWrites

@NaomisLitPix Why do so many agents (and readers and writers) discourage prologues? So many books I read have them! What’s the difference if it’s called a prologue or chapter one?
Replying to @StacyAnneWrites

Prologues are often a way of telling rather than showing. I'm not personally averse to them, but if the story functions just fine without it, sometimes it's best to get right into the rhythm the reader can expect from the whole book. #askagent

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

The Bi Shoulder Angel @Jonah_C_Byers

@NaomisLitPix How often is a longer-than-normal word count a dealbreaker, not just for you but other agents you know?
Replying to @Jonah_C_Byers

I can only speak for myself.
If you're a debut, a long word count = more expensive book to print = greater financial risk for publisher. If something is 20-50k over word count guides for genre, I might hesitate, but I never rej on that alone. #askagent

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips
Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips
Anne Tibbets
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @MaassLitAgency . Author. SCREAMS FROM THE VOID out now. Opinions & sarcasm my own.
127 AskAgent
5 Tips
Megan Manzano
Literary Agent
Agent @StevenLiterary#RevPit Editor • Mentor @BreakthroughWBC • (She/They) • Latinx 🇵🇷 Opinions are my own.
124 MSWL
205 AskAgent
10 Queries
179 Tips
Megan Manzano
Literary Agent
Agent @StevenLiterary#RevPit Editor • Mentor @BreakthroughWBC • (She/They) • Latinx 🇵🇷 Opinions are my own.
124 MSWL
205 AskAgent
10 Queries
179 Tips
Megan Manzano
Literary Agent
Agent @StevenLiterary#RevPit Editor • Mentor @BreakthroughWBC • (She/They) • Latinx 🇵🇷 Opinions are my own.
124 MSWL
205 AskAgent
10 Queries
179 Tips

Janet pearson @stellasaysme

@Megan_Manzano Is using a bestseller author as a comp title a definate no-no?
Replying to @stellasaysme

It's not a firm no-no but I'd be semi cautious about using bestsellers since they can set up high expectations. If you want to use one, I'd say, "with elements of X" and pick another title as the prominent comp.


Megan Manzano
Literary Agent
Agent @StevenLiterary#RevPit Editor • Mentor @BreakthroughWBC • (She/They) • Latinx 🇵🇷 Opinions are my own.
124 MSWL
205 AskAgent
10 Queries
179 Tips

Jordan ⚔️🐰 Simonson @JordieLee_

@Megan_Manzano What’s a common “no-no” that authors may not be aware of when sending in their submissions?
Replying to @JordieLee_

If a query gets rejected, only resubmit if it has gone through significant revisions!

If an agent uses QueryManager, they can see repeat submissions.
