Nicole Fischer @nicolefischer13
Don't forget: the next #AskAvonBks chat is this Friday (11/4) at 12:30pm EDT. Tell us about your #wip or get help perfecting your #pitch!Make sure to follow @ElleKeck, @mspriyanka, @TessaofAvonlea, and myself (obvs) so you don't miss anything! ;) #AskAvonBks
Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency @PSLiterary
Agent @carlywatters next webinar includes: 90 minute presentation, Q&A, plus 5 pg critique! Register today: ow.ly/LsnZ304hT9x pic.twitter.com/uco1ZUKGA6Next week! Coming up fast. Join me on Nov 10. Everyone that signs up get a 5pg critique. #askagent
Literary Agent
I did a feedback giveaway in August for MG & YA subs. Here's what I saw: tmblr.co/Z1DsEu2DxA3v4 #mswl #askagent #amquerying
Hey #writers! We're doing another #AskAvonBks chat on Fri 11/4 @ 12:30pm EDT. Tell us about your #wip or get help perfecting your #pitch!
Literary Agent
any time is fine, it goes in a queue and will get read #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
as long as the query is serviceable I'll read the sample pages, ones w genres I don't rep I won't #askagent
Literary Agent
Whirlochre @Whirlochre
@mushenska Given the current IRL shift > dystopia, what becomes of fictional darkness? #askagentcurrent trend in fiction is for gritty and emotional - feel good escapism not taking off right now! #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Elizabeth MacKinney @Elizabe62668090
@mushenska Hi again. Does it matter if you do not put comp titles in your submission? #askagentnot at all. It's a useful tool but not necessarily #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Anne Hamilton @AnneHamilton7
#askagent Hi Juliet, how many agents do you try before you figure the MS just aint good enough??I'd say 10-20 and see if you are getting any personalised responses or just straight rejections #askagent
Literary Agent
nope, as that implies I'm recommending them specifically for your work, and I haven't read it! #askagent
Literary Agent
T.J. Benton @terryjbenton
When submitting requested materials, do agents prefer Word docs or PDFs? #askagenteither is fine - double space and page numbers please! #askagent
Literary Agent
not if it's key to the story, but have an idea of genre - which shelf would it sit on in a bookshop? #askagent
Literary Agent
KA Whitfield @Whit_Writes
@mushenska For psychological thrillers, do you have preference for 1st or 3rd person POV?totally depends on what suits the story. 1st can be restrictive #askagent
Literary Agent
Cyril Bunt @Cyril_Bunt
@mushenska #askagent what's the best way to approach agents with the idea for a character led series? I have an idea but not how many books.focus on book one but mention you plan other books as well #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Steven F. Galloway @StevenFGalloway
Hi @mushenska. Is there a minimum/maximum word count you look for in YA? #askagentshortest I have sold was 55k, longest around 110k. Depends on plot and pace #askagent