Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Julie Cohen 🌈 @julie_cohen
@mushenska I keep telling my clients to try to keep their first-time novels to about 90k words (not 70k or 120k)…am I wrong? #askagentin general I agree with you... But as long as no rushing or filler I'm easy on word count #askagent
Literary Agent
Julie Cohen 🌈 @julie_cohen
@mushenska I keep telling my clients to try to keep their first-time novels to about 90k words (not 70k or 120k)…am I wrong? #askagentmost novels are about that - you have leeway with genres like SFF to push that word count to 100k plus #askagent
Literary Agent
LouM 📚📖📝💻☕️ @LouMWrites
@mushenska what types of manuscripts are you interested in seeing at the moment? #askagentall sorts! This year I signed: rom com, reading group, horror, thriller... #askagent
Literary Agent
Josh Melican @jmmelican
@mushenska if pitching a novel and it's the first in a series, should you mention other books that follow? (Thanks for doing #askagent )yes, just saying 'it's the first in a planned trilogy, which I have plotted out' is fine #askagent
Literary Agent
Nick Meadows @nrmeadows
@mushenska is the cheeky wink a dying thing since the advent of social media? #askagentnot as long as I have breath in my body #askagent
Literary Agent
smart car @smartcardriver
@jounwin @debrabrown_ @mushenska Do you represent authors of flash fiction?currently I only represent novels, but I know some of my novelists also write flash fiction/short stories #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Eliza Adams @Eliza_Do_Lots
@mushenska what genre most excites you personally and professionally? #askagentdepends on my day! I still want a race against time serial killer thriller like Silence of the Lambs #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Nasreen Rafiq @Nas_Rafiq
@mushenska first chap - would protagonist and 6 other characters be too much for reader? #askagentdepends on book but unless you introduce them carefully it can be confusing/overwhelming #askagent
Literary Agent
K. R. Green @K_R_Green
@mushenska Do you have a fav space for reading MS? I can imagine cats interrupt sometimes? #askagentI read everywhere! Mostly kindle on public transport, sometimes phone in bed #askagent
Literary Agent
Carys Jones @CarysJAuthor
@mushenska if interested in signing an author would you review their online presence? How important is active Twitter use etc? #askagentI would look but honestly, as long as it isn't a NEGATIVE presence, I don't mind if you have one at all! #askagent
Literary Agent
J.K. Bratten @mimimojito
@mushenska For literary fiction what's the current 'desirable' length for novel by new/unpublished writers? #askagentshortest novel I sold 50k, longest 150k. Most are around 90k. #askagent
Literary Agent
Eliza Adams @Eliza_Do_Lots
@mushenska follow up Q; should writer have an editor work over copy before sending or do you look through the chaff+match editor #askagenttotally up to you. I think editing yourself and proofreading should be enough #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jax Blunt @liveotherwise
@mushenska is the process of submission for a picture book very different to that for a novel do you know? #ask agentit is, not my expertise but try Holroyde Cartey or Bright Agency - they explain guidelines #askagent
Literary Agent
Johann Thorsson @johannthors
. @mushenska last question. What’s a normal expected advance for a debut genre novel sold to a “big” publisher? (Ballpark). #askagenthow long is a piece of string! I have sold books for £5k, I have sold books for £500k. #askagent