Literary Agent
Canard Llama Duo @TheYellowBrolly
@mushenska I have an idea for a food/drink book. I have no idea who or how to approach an agent. What's my first step? #askagentyou need a proposal: introduction, chapter breakdown, biog, sample ch. then look at Writer's & Artist's Yearbook #askagent
Literary Agent
Elizabeth MacKinney @Elizabe62668090
@mushenska Hi Juliet, What is your opinion on resubmissions after a lot of editing? #askagentthe agent will tell you if they'd like to see a revised version when they reject - if not, try different agents #askagent
Literary Agent
Juliet Mushens @mushenska
@arcanepunk best way is to check acknowledgements of your favourite YA books and see who the agent is #askagenttoo many great ones to list incl Molly Ker Hawn, Julia Churchill, Claire Wilson, Jodie Hodges, Penny Holroyde... #askagent
Literary Agent
best way is to check acknowledgements of your favourite YA books and see who the agent is #askagent
Literary Agent
it's just not my specialism unfortunately! Lots of great MG agent around #askagent
Literary Agent
KA Whitfield @Whit_Writes
@mushenska Should the elevator pitch reveal a big plot twist? #askagentno, but the synopsis should #askagent
Literary Agent
I get quite a lot - I think NaNoWriMo can give a good first draft, but needs to be polished & edited! #askagent
Literary Agency
Vanessa @vanessaepeay
@FuseLiterary anyone accepting YA historical #askfuse.@vanessaepeay Most of our YA agents entertain historical submissions unless otherwise stated. More here: #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Meg LaTorre @MegLaTorre
What are your favorite resources for manuscript word counts? #AskFuse.@MegLaTorre For word counts, I'd have to point to our scout @DevourerofBooks & her great post on our blog: #AskFuse
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Anon asked: Any advice for pitching to an agent at a conference? #askagent
Literary Agent
Anon asked: If we have several agents who have offered rep & we pick one, how do we tell the others no? #askagent
Literary Agent
Anon asked: When reading pages, what are the most common mistakes you see Vs what keeps you reading? #askagent
Literary Agent
Claire King @ckingwriter
@mushenska what % of your work for a specific book would you say takes place after publication?how to boost sales, next ideas, events... Lots goes on after pub #askagent
Literary Agent
Claire King @ckingwriter
@mushenska what % of your work for a specific book would you say takes place after publication?can't put a % on it as differs by author! But LOTS - cover queries, publicity & marketing plans, foreign rights etc #askagent
Literary Agent
Eliza Adams @Eliza_Do_Lots
@mushenska if story is dark and there is no happy ending, is it interesting or annoying? Do characters need redemption? #askagentas long as you have earned that ending, through character arc and plot, dark is fine #askagent
Literary Agent
Marta @martasrsly
#askagent is it possible to get an agent while not being British/American or having English as a first language?yes, one of my writers doesn't have English as a first language #askagent