Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Replying to @WordyPunk

best way is to check acknowledgements of your favourite YA books and see who the agent is #askagent

Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Replying to @hellopipski

it's just not my specialism unfortunately! Lots of great MG agent around #askagent

Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Replying to @TheJackPreston

I get quite a lot - I think NaNoWriMo can give a good first draft, but needs to be polished & edited! #askagent

Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm! petejknapp.com
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Anon asked: Now that you're back at Park Literary, will you continue to respond to all queries? #askagent

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm! petejknapp.com
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Anon asked: Any advice for pitching to an agent at a conference? tmblr.co/Z1DsEu2Dgps5E #askagent

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm! petejknapp.com
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Anon asked: If we have several agents who have offered rep & we pick one, how do we tell the others no? tmblr.co/Z1DsEu2Dgq1nR #askagent

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm! petejknapp.com
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Anon asked: When reading pages, what are the most common mistakes you see Vs what keeps you reading? tmblr.co/Z1DsEu2DgqJSm #askagent

Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips

Claire King @ckingwriter

@mushenska what % of your work for a specific book would you say takes place after publication?
Replying to @ckingwriter

can't put a % on it as differs by author! But LOTS - cover queries, publicity & marketing plans, foreign rights etc #askagent

Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips
Juliet Mushens
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @MushensEnt , sartorialist and cat wrangler. Wartime consigliere. Pollyanna-ish. Generally heard before I'm seen. Bend and SNAP.
484 AskAgent
1 Tips