Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Stormy Smith @stormysmith
@LZats Thanks for the response. Here's another...I've heard other agents say New Adult is dead right now. Agree or dis? #askagentAgree for us. If you're self-pub, disagree! #askagent

Literary Agent
Stormy Smith @stormysmith
@LZats When reviewing an MS, do you typically go solely on "I like it or I don't" or do you see potential and talk revisions? #askagentI only talk revisions if I really, really like it. R+Rs are rare, but are always rooted in love #askagent

Literary Agent
Keith Manuel @KeithAManuel
@LZats How much romance can I put in a SF novel? My characters keep kissing, and more. Tangled web of feels and scars.lots! As long as it's still SF at its heart, not transforming into speculative romance. #askagent

Literary Agent
Jarrod MacKay @ExMachinawful
@LZats Have a Bachelor's in film focused on screenwriting. Worth including in a query bio for a novel or not relevant? #askagentHonestly it's not going to make a huge difference. If you have room for it, sure! If you have better things, skip! #askagent

Literary Agent
Elanor Porg Smith @SaintAlia10191
@LZats If someone has a light bio (no awards, no lit degree) do you still want writing resume or prefer to hear motivation for writing ms?ugh. Never motivation. A light bio isn't a bad thing! Have you been in a crit group? Conferences? Those count! #askagent

Literary Agent
Jim Cangany @JimCangany
@LZats Thoughts on Patterson's Bookshots initative? #askagentI love the idea as a way to get more people to read. I hate that they can't be called novellas. #askagent

Literary Agent
Kirtida Gautam @KirtidaGautam
@LZats While writing an #ownvoices book, should the writer use the dialect of language from place of origin (E.g. India) or the USA English?A combo. If your readers are American, present the content in a way they can get, but also isn't stripped away #askagent

Literary Agent
Kristi Adams @KAdamsBooks
@LZats Top reasons partials/fulls are a pass? Thank you! 😀Cliche opening. Telly. Info dump. Just overall kind of meh in either voice or craft. #askagent

Literary Agency
We're going live! @carlywatters will be doing an #askagent session live on our FB page Oct. 13 at 4pmEST! Follow us: bit.ly/2dPOXG7

Literary Agent
Check out my new interview! Q&A: SANDY LU OF THE L. PERKINS AGENCY | Kirkus Reviews kirkusreviews.com/features/sandy… #querytip #askagent #amwriting

Literary Agent
I am going to do a FB Live #askagent session later this month so make sure you're following the @PSLiterary Facebook bit.ly/2dPOXG7

Literary Agent
Who is gearing up for #NaNoWriMo?? Any blog posts you'd like to see before then? Advice/prep? #askagent

Literary Agent
Kiri Blakeley @KiriBlakeley
@BookEndsJessica They always seem to hv Fabio-type covers? lol. Any recommends for smart literary suspense with romance? No rush....they really don't. Romantic suspense: @ShelleyCoriell karen rose, allison brennan all very dark, very suspense #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Paula Gesmundo @noapaulag
@BookEndsJessica @BookEndsChat Just wondering what your reading/response time is on requests these days?I'm backed up to April. That being said, I also don't read in order #BookEndschat

Literary Agent
sorry. I missed this one #bookendschat -- what about romantic suspense? No. I don't think it is out.

Literary Agent
Claudie Wilson @cawilsonaz
The GIRL ON A TRAIN movie is coming out. I loved the book, torn whether to see the film. twitter.com/BookEndsJessic…I'm not much of a film watcher #bookendschat

Literary Agent
Marco Cultrera @marcocult
My novel is now into the second round of Gollancz Direct Submissions for this year. Should I mention it in the query? #BookEndsChatThat's the danger with some contests -- we won't always know what they are. #BookEndsChat