Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Anonymous asked: What types of questions should we expect an agent to ask during the call? #askagent

Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips

Kathleen Dickerson @KDD_writes

IYO how can a writer tell it's time to stop querying and shelve an ms? #AskFuse
Replying to @KDD_writes

.@KDD_writes That's different for every writer and every ms, but when u think better opportunities lie elsewhere, u should move on. #AskFuse

Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
New Leaf Literary
Literary Agency
New Leaf Literary & Media is a full-service literary agency representing clients in all forms of fiction and nonfiction for children & adults. #teamnewleaf
20 AskAgent

"How have your reading habits changed over the years? Since you became an agent?" - #askagent from #teamnewleaf -->…

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Replying to @rjsomer

.@rjsomer Yes, after their stated turnaround time. Reach out to the second agent with the first agent's email pasted below. #AskFuse

Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Replying to @rjsomer

.@rjsomer Post-apocalyptic can be tough, but write what you want. Trends are cyclical. Thoughts, @dreamoforgonon? #AskFuse

Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Fuse Literary
Literary Agency
We are a full-service literary agency based in the Silicon Valley, with offices in San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Dallas, and Vancouver.
382 AskAgent
31 Tips
Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

August 11, my #askagent webinar HOW TO GET AN AGENT:… Includes a query critique!

Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary . Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
137 AskAgent
2 Queries
20 Tips
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary . Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
137 AskAgent
2 Queries
20 Tips

not often, bc we can all see the queries, but maybe! #askPSLA

Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary . Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
137 AskAgent
2 Queries
20 Tips

Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf

#askPSLA Is there any specific skill that you find is necessary when doing your job?
Replying to @Kerstin_Wolf

it would be hard to pick a specific one! So much is mental, like taste, perseverance, reading the market/people, etc #askPSLA