Literary Agent
Anonymous asked: What types of questions should we expect an agent to ask during the call? #askagent
Literary Agency
Ariadne Lukas @AriadneLukas
If our ms intros a culture (which we've researched extensively but are not part of), do agents expect a sensitivity reader? #askfuse.@AriadneLukas Ideally. Here's my favorite piece on the matter:… #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Kathleen Dickerson @KDD_writes
IYO how can a writer tell it's time to stop querying and shelve an ms? #AskFuse.@KDD_writes That's different for every writer and every ms, but when u think better opportunities lie elsewhere, u should move on. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
E.M. Shue @emshue_ak
@FuseLiterary submitted once to agent and turned down can you submit to another another in the same company. #literaryagents #AskFuse.@emshue_ak Usually no, but at Fuse, yes. Check the agency's guidelines to be sure. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Michelle Vattula @Mmvattula
#AskFuse When reading the query, do you want to see the hook in the first paragraph or reason for being contacted etc...?.@Mmvattula You can have both! Your personalized reason should always integrate something about your ms that justifies that reason. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Roxanne Lambie @roxannelambie
When you ask for an R&R, how quickly do you want it? Is there a limit on when you say, "It's been too long," #AskFuse.@roxannelambie If your topic = trendy, maybe. Otherwise, not really, but u want to show u can work quickly. Aim for wks, not mos. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
"How have your reading habits changed over the years? Since you became an agent?" - #askagent from #teamnewleaf -->…
Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency @PSLiterary
Thursday is @carlywatters @WritersDigest webinar! Incl. workshop, Q&A + query critique! Thursday! Still a few more days to sign up #AskAgent…
Literary Agency
Taryn De Vere @TarynDeVere
@FuseLiterary should you send a query letter only to an agent at Fuse? #amwriting #AskFuse.@TarynDeVere Always follow the agent's submission guidelines as stated on their website. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
.@rjsomer Post-apocalyptic can be tough, but write what you want. Trends are cyclical. Thoughts, @dreamoforgonon? #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Michelle Vattula @Mmvattula
#AskFuse If you like a ms, do you ask editors if they would be interested before reaching back out to the writer?.@Mmvattula Absolutely not. That would be unethical. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Michelle Vattula @Mmvattula
#AskFuse What are you not looking for in the picture books?.@Mmvattula Not sure if there's anything there that we aren't considering. Thoughts, @sarasciuto? #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Steven M. Cross @stevecrosswords
#AskFuse Since the sequel is a standalone would it help or hurt to mention the other one to an agent?.@stevecrosswords Always inform your prospective agent of your career plans. Otherwise they can't properly manage your career. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Steven M. Cross @stevecrosswords
#AskFuse had a YA BOOK Published. Publishers out of business. Rights are mine. Trying to publish it and a sequel? What do I tell an agent".@stevecrosswords Tell the agent exactly that. You want someone who is informed enough to properly handle your career. #AskFuse
Literary Agent
August 11, my #askagent webinar HOW TO GET AN AGENT:… Includes a query critique!
Literary Agent
Casey Bond @AuthorCaseyBond
Would you consider a successful indie author's unpublished works in progress? #askPSLApersonally I only consider finished works #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
#askPSLA Is there any specific skill that you find is necessary when doing your job?it would be hard to pick a specific one! So much is mental, like taste, perseverance, reading the market/people, etc #askPSLA