Literary Agent
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
#askPSLA When looking for a job at an agency, is there any other place that it could be posted besides a blog, BookJobs, and PubLunch?sometimes for internships they'll post on Twitter, other times it's all friend of a friend #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Laura Rose Gold @LauraTheRose
Is the character's age the main way that agents determine if a MS is MG vs YA? #askPSLAAge, topics, and voice all play a part! If your char is 16, but acts like a 10-yr-old then that has an impact. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Sherry Howard @SherLHoward
Would you see 46K as too low for YA? #askPSLAShould maybe be closer to 50k, but I'd still take a look if I liked the query. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Sophie Pinkoski @sophiemlpink
#askPSLA is 138,000 way too long for a YA scifi/fantasy?not too long for me to consider, but I'll probably suggest cuts in edits #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Bill Burton @effelgorp
#askPSLA What YA topics do you want to see in your inbox? PB?Fun YA projects. Diverse characters. Nothing too issue-driven. Contemporary, Thriller, Mystery, Magical Realism. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Adam Zero @adamzero6
Can you hire a third party person to do cover art if the book gets published? #askPSLAmost major pubs will do it in house #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Heath Fields @HeathRFields
#askPSLA 72 agents quer'd, 2 partials reqd, 3 fulls reqd. 3 personalized rejections. If I were ur friend, what hard advice would u give me?it's either your query or your book is really niche market. Get your QL in front of a professional to know which! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Moniza Hossain @moniza_hossain
#askPSLA do agents like it when Writers explain why they chose to query them? Or do they view all that as a waste of time?Personalized queries are nice if specific. Saying you are querying me because I represent YA is redundant. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
#askPSLA In order to get established as an agent, is it typical to start in New York before moving elsewhere?No. We have agents living all over North America. (But trips to NYC do happen.) #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
#askPSLA In order to get established as an agent, is it typical to start in New York before moving elsewhere?I'm the only one at PSLA that did :) it's common but not required, tho most assistant jobs are in office somewhere #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Adam Zero @adamzero6
How many agents should you sent your query to at a time? #askPSLAUp to you how many queries you can manage and keep track of. Only query people you want to work with. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Adam Zero @adamzero6
Does a 65,000 word count for a Sci fi novel scare you off? #askPSLAit's a little low, but if the query was good I'd still check it out #askPSLA
Literary Agent
not that I know, it's all subjective. But any historical ms must show why that time is so important/interesting #askPSLA
Literary Agent
This will vary from agent to agent! All about personal likes and dislikes. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Sheldon Malier @SheldonMalier
#askPSLA As new writer seeking agent: Is it good/safe to post ms online (wattpad, etc)? How else would I get noticed without having credit?I wouldn't, esp if you're doing it just to entice agents. Just write a good query/book, I won't care about credits! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Lisa Katzenberger @FictionCity
#askPSLA When is a good time to approach an agent/editor at a conference to say hi? After sessions the staff always seems to get swarmed.Any time! Agents are at conferences to network with writers. Just not in bathrooms or at their hotel rooms haha. #askPSLA