Literary Agent
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
@MsMariaVicente This is great to know! What would you consider a conflict of interest? Both repping same/similar genres/categories? #askPSLACould be. Will depend on the companies. Best off interning in different roles. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Elizabeth MacKinney @Elizabe62668090
#askPSLA Is 120,000 word count too high for an adult paranormal romance?not an auto reject, but there are probably places you can cut #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Erica Davis Secor @thedavisgirl
Is a NF proposal version of 100Queries feasible? #askPSLAHonestly, I reject NF for these 2 reasons: I'm not super interested in the topic OR the platform isn't there. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Sophie Pinkoski @sophiemlpink
#askPSLA would a really dark, violent opening turn you off?maybe, most likely because I don't care enough yet for it to have any emotional impact #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Moniza Hossain @moniza_hossain
#askPSLA are agents less willing to take on Writers who live far away from them (in Asia, for example)I have two Australian clients and one traveling the world by boat... So no :) #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Nicole Goodnough @NicGoodnough
@MsMariaVicente no kidding!! 😅The key is to read MR books and decide if your manuscript fits with them. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Can't give you blanket advice, sorry! All depends on what the ms needs and what you do well #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Erica Davis Secor @thedavisgirl
Thanks, @MsMariaVicente. How do you mean on your own? #askPSLAI reach out to people I think are doing cool things & ask if interested in writing a book. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Nicole Goodnough @NicGoodnough
Read MANY magical realism posts (incl Maria's) &my MS fits a lot definitions of MR, but not all. OK to pitch as MR if it fits most?#askPSLA
Yeah, probably. MR is a tough genre to define! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Shay Quast @shayodi_quast
Would a young author make you hesitant to work with them? (Ex. 18) #askPSLAI won't rep under 18, and it would take an amazing MS to make me consider under 20. Usually needs more practice #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Laura Rose Gold @LauraTheRose
Do you ever reach a point where you no longer want to see something from your #MSWL #askPSLAYes, usually if I find that thing I was looking for. Good to check for most up-to-date info. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Moniza Hossain @moniza_hossain
#askPSLA would it be difficult finding agents willing to represent a YA fantasy novel with both LGBT and POC main characters?No! I'm pretty sure me, Kurestin, and Eric here at @PSLiterary want YA like that! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
#askPSLA As far as internships go, is it considered poor etiquette to be doing two at one time?If 2 agencies, would depend on how private the agents are. Would def require full disclosure &a huge time commitment #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
#askPSLA As far as internships go, is it considered poor etiquette to be doing two at one time?I did two at once before, just need to make sure there is no conflict of interest. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Erica Davis Secor @thedavisgirl
If known: What is the approximate nonfiction to fiction ratio in your inboxes/slush? #askPSLAI do not have actual stats, but I'd guess 90% fiction, 10% nonfiction. I usually find nonfiction on my own. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Adam Zero @adamzero6
Weird one. Have you ever passed on a query that you eventually saw become published elsewhere? #askPSLAnot a query, bc I probably forgot it quickly. But yes on a partial, and I'm very happy for them! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Lisa @LmarieWrites
I see a lot of different suggestions for what a YA contemporary word count should be. What are your thoughts? #askPSLAThere's a lot of flexibility for word count with Contemporary YA. Just use the words you need to tell the story. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Lisa @LmarieWrites
I see a lot of different suggestions for what a YA contemporary word count should be. What are your thoughts? #askPSLA50-70k maybe? It's pretty wide, but I would probably avoid 90+ #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Erica Davis Secor @thedavisgirl
What catches your attention in a NF proposal? #askPSLAGood premise, solid marketing/publicity ideas, strong TOC, well written sample pages. #askPSLA