Leonicka Valcius
Literary Agent
Transatlantic Agency
she/her 🇭🇹. Christian ✝️. JD Candidate 2024. Literary Agent @TransLitAgency. Closed to queries.

Literary Agent
Lauren Darnell @LaurenLDarnell
@leonicka @alechiawrites Don’t feel too bad they all take a long time to respond if you even get anything back at all. Lots of us, few of you.Do you ever get put off if one of the comp titles is a movie? I always feel weird referencing the Dark Crystal but it’s the most accurate.
Movies and other media but they’re technically not “comp titles”. #askagent

Literary Agent
Lane @lanewriteswords
@leonicka #askagent Do you think an MC who is the daughter of a sexual assault victim and the internal struggles that involves is too dark for YA?IMO nothing is “too dark” for YA. If teens experience it, teens can read it. All comes down to voice and execution. #askagent

Literary Agent
Lisa Brideau @LBrideau2
@leonicka (I don't think you should feel bad, you're busy!) What's one difference about agenting/publishing in Canada vs the US that you wish people knew?People really underestimate how much smaller the Canadian industry is. (But Canada is a v important market.) This leads to really wonky expectations of Canadian sales, marketing, distribution etc. More than I can explain here. #askagent

Literary Agent
Maria Hossain (she/her) @Maria__Hossain
@leonicka I hope this isn't silly to ask butWhat's the first thing an agent usually does after signing with a new client? Do they immediately jump into revision/discussion over the project that the client queried about?
Can only speak for me but my priority is getting the MS ready to sell. So yes my first big step is re-reading the manuscript to make careful edit notes. Another early step is prepping a new client announcement if the timing is right 😊 #askagent

Literary Agent
Some Objects (Not all of them. Just some.) @Someobjects
@leonicka #AskAgent if you ever give feedback on submissions, do you find you're more likely to give it for works that are ALMOST something ready by your standards OR something that seems to need a lot of work?I give way more feedback when things are ALMOST there. When there are significant issues it can sometimes be bigger problem than I can address after only reading an excerpt. #askagent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
I say no to a full manuscript when something is off with the execution and it would need significant revision to fix. #askagent twitter.com/adrii_deper/st…"Significant revision" means that there is a good chance that the writer may be unable or unwilling to make the changes I'm suggesting. So I send a revise and resubmit letter and pray for the best. #askagent

Literary Agent
Adrii @adrii_deper
@leonicka What makes you say no?I say no to a full manuscript when something is off with the execution and it would need significant revision to fix. #askagent

Literary Agent
Bonus: Here's my blog post on how I decide to offer representation: leonicka.com/2019/02/25/dec… #askagent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
1. I request when I've read the sample and the synopsis and I'm eager to keep reading. The easiest way to do this is to entertain me! I am a book lover and I miss reading for fun. So if I fly through your sample like it's a hot new release, I'm requesting. #askagent twitter.com/jeveuxharibo/s…2. Biggest reasons I reject: "I don't rep that" and "this book is too long." Also there are themes that just aren't for me. Sexual violence is usually an instant no. #askagent

Literary Agent
Nikki @jeveuxharibo
@leonicka 1) What are some of the factors that contribute to your decision to request2) what immediately turns you off from a person's query that leads to a rejection?
these stats are really interesting btw!
1. I request when I've read the sample and the synopsis and I'm eager to keep reading. The easiest way to do this is to entertain me! I am a book lover and I miss reading for fun. So if I fly through your sample like it's a hot new release, I'm requesting. #askagent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
Stats from my query pile!Feb: 9 queries, 2 requests 1 OFFER!
March: 154 que, 13 req
April: 119 que, 5 req, 1 OFFER!
May: 137 que, 5 req, 30 unread
June: 94 que, 1 req, 43 unread, 1 OFFER!
July: 13 que
4.9% request rate; 0.57% offer rate
On avg I reject in 12 days and request in 34 days. I spend a lot of time deliberating before requesting, especially now that I have a stack of full manuscripts to read too. Thnx for your patience!!!! Questions? Comments? #askagent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
One sample strategy: send out submission together to give editors same shot. Follow up when there is new info or interest. #LMVOfficeHours #askagentThe most important thing is that the agent is transparent with the client and explains their submission strategy. #LMVOfficeHours #askagent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
Great Q! Response times can vary widely based on the editors’ schedule and the time of year. Agents have diff follow up strategies based on their style and the nature of the submission. twitter.com/MartineWithAnE…One sample strategy: send out submission together to give editors same shot. Follow up when there is new info or interest. #LMVOfficeHours #askagent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
A tricky thing about querying is it doesn’t seem to be an iterative process. Many agents don’t have time to give feedback so it’s not a good way to get info on how to make your query/work better. HIGHLY rec finding a writing community and doing research online. #askagentBiggest piece of feedback I actually give is “your book is too long.” Biggest piece of feedback I don’t have time to explain is “that’s not how you write a synopsis.” #askagent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
@jewelbarnettphd #askagent when writers query w/o a full MS it’s usually due to ignorance of the process. I see writers who also pitch concepts or their full body of work. Typically I add a line to my form rejection telling them to do a bit more research and keep it moving.
Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Jewel Barnett, Ph.D. @jewelbarnettphd
@leonicka Both I'm confused.#askagent For the most part non-fiction is sold on proposal and sample chaps so a full manuscript is not necessary. Fiction generally requires a full manuscript.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm back! I am accepting queries again starting March 1. Read through my submission guidelines and get your work ready 😎 leonicka.com/agenting/ #askagent #amwriting #amquerying