Leonicka Valcius
Literary Agent
Transatlantic Agency
she/her 🇭🇹. Christian ✝️. JD Candidate 2024. Literary Agent @TransLitAgency. Closed to queries.

Literary Agent
D. Hawkins 🌈 @DHawkinsAuthor
@leonicka How many words should we shoot for in a query to you?I don’t really have a word count limit for queries but it shouldn’t take more than 3 - 4 paragraphs. About the book, where it fits in the market, about the author. #askagent #amquerying

Literary Agent
Diane Farrugia @DianeFarrugia3
@leonicka Would a YA/Adult crossover fantasy romance with chronic illness rep. interest you?Fantasy romance is tricky right now! Contemporary romance is king, despite my best efforts. I see some signs that this is changing (Katee Robert! Ruby Dixon!) but I’m not ready to add it to my #mswl yet. #askagent

Literary Agent
For your reading pleasure, writers: justice.gov/opa/press-rele…
#askagent #publishingtips

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
RaQia Lowo @RaQiaLowo
@leonicka Do I have to move to Canada for you to be my agent? 😂😂Seriously, this looks like a great conference. I'm preoccupied with finishing MS to query WITH. I can't think of any questions right now.
GREAT QUESTION! Answer is NO! Especially in the internet age it doesn’t matter where your agent lives only that they have the necessary expertise to sell in the territory you want your book to be published. #askagent #publishingtips

Literary Agent
Carolynn Howard @carolynn_howard
@leonicka On a far more serious note though - is there anything you're dying to see right now, whether it just be the way writers phrase their queries, to a certain genre/style of manuscript you would love to rep? #AskAgentThis industry is shifting rapidly and it’s become more important than ever that writers have clear vision for the career they want and resilience for the realities of the business. It’s a long game, friends. #askagent

Literary Agent
Laura Zats @LZats
It's 2021; it's time to stop comping to Harry PotterI see some folks in the replies asking why and I’m bored on this afternoon walk so I’ll answer! #askagent

Literary Agent
Veronica F. Johnson @vfieldsjohnson
@leonicka Hi @leonicka thank you for taking questions! What level of editing would you recommend for an aspiring author's manuscript before submitting to an agent? Copy, Line, Developmental or all 3?All of the above! Send the agent the best draft you can. You don’t want to be rejected for something you knew you had to fix. Don’t start querying if you’re still circulating the draft for feedback. #askagent

Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
I LOVE this Q and am running a workshop on it June 12.Short A: Self-publishing is amazing if Self has the skills and resources to fill the function of a publisher.
floridawritingworkshops.com/schedule-2018-… twitter.com/trent_lewin/st…
Functions of publisher incl:
-prepare product for market (incl editing, typesetting, cover design)
-produce product (incl print and bind)
-market product (incl identify target audience and convert them to readers)
-distribute product (incl warehouse, ship, fulfillment)

Literary Agent
Dayle Olson (she/her) 🌈 @daylejean
@leonicka Hi Leonicka, if a PB query has been submitted to an agent, but later the MS undergoes a significant revision, is it a good (or bad) idea to follow-up with the agent to ask if they would like to see the revised MS?Great Q! If I haven’t responded to the query yet, it’s fine for writers to nudge me letting me know they have a revised version. I wouldn’t want to reject them based on something they’ve already fixed. #askagent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Julianne Mundle @JulianneMundle
@leonicka Hi @leonicka, I noticed that you are not interested in manuscripts that “teach a lesson.” Are you able to elaborate on what you mean by that please?GREAT Q! I want books that kids will pick up for themselves and share with their friends, not books that their parents/teachers will force them read so they learn to share or the value of teamwork or something. I’m not a fan of didactic texts. #askagent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Lee Geiger @LeeGeiger
@leonicka Hi Leonicka. Is the romantic mystery a relevant genre anymore? It seems to me like fewer agents are interested in promoting that type of novel. Asking for a friend 😎The popularity of certain genres ebbs and flows. Rom com is booming right now but that doesn’t mean other subsets of romance won’t sell. #askagent

Literary Agent
Ren Kath @RenKath1
@leonicka @alechiawrites As a Canadian writer, would I be looking at a significantly different experience working with an agent in Canada vs the US?A US agent may be less familiar with the vagaries and idiosyncrasies of the Canadian industry. Might be less familiar with awards system and grant structures. If those things are important to you ask in the offer call. #askagent

Literary Agent
Matthias St. Richard @MatthiStRichard
@leonicka Ooh! Are genre-mashers (manuscripts that consciously belong to multiple genres or no genre at all) easier to analyse, or harder?Not sure what you mean by analyse but they can be a slightly harder sell only because publishing likes easy labels and obvious audience. But that won’t deter an experienced agent cuz when it works it works really well. #askagent