Amy Giuffrida

Literary Agent

Belcastro Agency

Literary Agent @belcastr & wrangler of #TheATeam Lover of books, reality TV, Buffy, coffee, rescue dogs, and tattoos. 馃拃 My opinions are my own. She/her.

Amy Giuffrida
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @belcastr & wrangler of #TheATeam Lover of books, reality TV, Buffy, coffee, rescue dogs, and tattoos. 馃拃 My opinions are my own. She/her.
112 MSWL
92 AskAgent

What I would really find special would be a destination horror. For example, the Island of the Dolls in Mexico City would be an amazing setting. Give me more that the typical US spots. The darker, creepier, and more gothic it is...the better.