Jess Dallow
Literary Agent
Brower Literary & Management
new yorker. associate literary agent at @browerliterary & cat sitter. she/her. opinions & tweets are my own. 💗💜💙

Literary Agent
David Clark @Ricevillage
@jldallow How often is a query pitch attention-getting enough to ask for the full?There's no percentage or anything. If you write a good query and aren't show-boating yourself or your story, and it sounds like something I want, I request. All you really need to do is describe your story in the best way possible. #askagent

Literary Agent
Laura 'Mad Libs' WilsonAnderson🦉🐙🐇🐑🦄🐩 @lala412
@jldallow If an agent has had your partial for over six months, do you nudge them, keep waiting, or figure it's a no?You can nudge them if it's been six months and they requested the partial. #askagent

Literary Agent
Maile Marriott @BurnettMaile
@jldallow Is there room in today's market for books aimed at an age category different from the age of the MC? I.e., many fairytales have adult characters, but are for younger audiences?It's difficult, but it's not impossible. There are books with a younger character as the MC that is written for adults. The best advice is to see what the comps are and where they sit on the bookshelf. That's the best way to see if it can work. #askagent

Literary Agent
madeline dau @Madeline_Dau
@jldallow Is it better to nudge or just write it off if it's been over 8 weeks since a query (assuming on the website they say they respond to every query)?If an agent responds to every query & you have followed the submission instructions, it's most likely they just haven't gotten to it yet. Queries can sit for months, depending on work load. If (& only if) they respond to all, you can nudge, but I'd wait a little longer. #askagent

Literary Agent
Darlene P. Campos 🇺🇸🇪🇨 @DarleneCampos91
@jldallow Is there ever a time to just quit querying an MS completely?That is something I can't answer for you because it's so personal. If you're not getting reads, ask yourself why? Have other writers read it. Get feedback. The best resource writers have is other writers. Utilize them. #askagent

Literary Agent
Doug Huse @dhuse42
@jldallow Is it easy to tell if an editor has gone over a writer's query letter, synopsis, and ms? Or if writers do that on their own does that show?It's not necessarily easy, although all 3 things should be *ready* for querying. Your query should be 2-3 paragraphs that tell your story in an interesting way. Your synopsis should be around 2 pages with all details. Your MS should have been read by beta readers. #askagent

Literary Agent
Gina Kopcrak 🍁 @KcPane
@jldallow If you make significant changes to a manuscript, and you query the same agent, should you note that you’ve queried them before?Yes, I always like to know that it has been sent to me before. #askagent

Literary Agent
judy ferrell @jferrell526
@jldallow Can I have an agent for my poetry and another for novels?That is something to discuss with the specific agent when you're offered rep. #askagent

Literary Agent
Michelle Lindo Rice @mlindorice
@jldallow I have written a couple books where the main character dies in the end. But what about when a main character dies earlier in the story? #askagentIf the main character dies earlier in the story, then who continues the story from there? Is it a dual POV? Is the person who is dying *really* the main character? If it's necessary to the story, then it sounds like the MC is the person who has to survive in their wake. #askagent

Literary Agent
Al Riney writes about Cats! @riney_al
@jldallow #askagentDo you think publicists are worth the money for a 1st time book deal? I have no website yet (need one I know) and a thin social media presence. I really believe my book is good, so I want it to have as much attention as possible.
Do you have the book deal already? Or are you querying? If you have self-published & you have the money to do it, it does help to have someone promote it. If you're just going out on submission, it is absolutely not necessary. #askagent

Literary Agent
Julie Dawn @_juliedawn
@jldallow @brendadrake I’m hearing this a lot from agents.But once one is signed, are they then expected to build social media platforms?
I’m not going to FORCE you to make one. Not everyone likes social media, and that’s totally fine. I think it can be helpful, but it’s not a deal breaker for me in fiction. #askagent

Literary Agent
Randi Muilenburg @RandiLeaWriting
@jldallow If a querying author has completely redone a query and opening pages (as well as most of the novel) you previously passed on, are you interested in taking another look or is it a permanent pass already?I’ll take another look at it. It still might not be the right fit for me, but if it’s been redone, feel free to send. #askagent

Literary Agent
Jess Dallow @jldallow
if it’s a story I’d be interested in. I like knowing what to expect. It also helps us - as agents - pitch it to editors when it’s submission time. Not all agents need them. I prefer them. Using film/tv as a comp is good (I love it since I used to work in entertainment) but alsouse a book. Preferably one from the last couple of years. But to start, it’s research. #askagent

Literary Agent
Jess Dallow @jldallow
Is it a different story you're querying? If it's the same, it really depends. There are definitely Wattpad stories that have been popular that have been published traditionally. I wouldn't necessarily take one on because if it's available for free online, I'd have to make a case…to publishers on why it's worth the risk. But if it's a popular writer who is querying another story, it doesn't hurt or hinder. I just want to love your story. #askagent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Jess Dallow @jldallow
First and foremost, I need to care about the character, but there is that general balance. I notice people add in backstory a lot in the first chapter and that delays the action. There are other ways for me to care about your protag. Their narrative voice, their relationships…with others. Their reactions to normal things that is specific to him/her. I don't think you have to start in the middle of things, but I also wouldn't take too long to get there. #askagent

Literary Agent
Andrea Nourse @AndreaNourse
@jldallow How soon is too soon to query a second book after a rejection? Assuming the second project is edited, revised, polished and ready? #askagentI don't mind if someone queries soon after if the book is ready. #askagent

Literary Agent
Claire Splan @ClaireSplan
@jldallow @brendadrake How big a social media platform do you think is necessary for a NF writer?It really depends on what the topic is & it also might be subjective to each agent that is looking. I have clients who don't have huge numbers, but took them on bc their story has been featured in magazines or is relevant to current issues. #askagent

Literary Agent
S. A. Bowden @SA_Bowden
@jldallow #askagent Hello Ms. Dallow! How would you describe your working style as an agent? Do you do editorial work?I'm a very editorial agent. I do a content edit and then a line edit when it's almost ready to go out on submission. But if it needs TOO much editorial work, then it's probably not ready to be sent to agents. #askagent

Literary Agent
angela! @vintageboombox
@jldallow have you noticed any trends in the market currently getting over saturated? #askagentThis is tricky. There are certain things I've noticed, but I also believe that someone should write what they're feeling because everything (for the most part) comes around again. If you have a book in your head, write it. It might not be your first sale. That's ok. #askagent