D. Ann Williams

Literary Agent

Emerald City Literary Agency

she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

Picture Book #MSWL Nos:
🚫 Sports
🚫 Anthropomorphism (outside of NF)
🚫 Issue books, saviorism, or "inspirational" (written to center the dominant narrative of "overcoming" an identity
🚫 First day of school
🚫 Spending the day with a grandparent

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

Picture Books #MSWL :
β˜‘οΈ Non-Fiction (biography, STEM, history preferrable. This is also the ONLY place I will consider anthropomorphism: talking objects/animals)
β˜‘οΈ themes of grief
β˜‘οΈ break down gender stereotypes
β˜‘οΈ variety of family structures

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent
D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

Picture Books #MSWL

β˜‘οΈ STEM-based
β˜‘οΈ break down gender stereotypes
β˜‘οΈ variety of family structures

🚫 Sports
🚫 Anthropomorphism (objects/animals)
🚫 Issue books, saviorism, or "inspirational" (written to center the dominant narrative of "overcoming" an identity

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

Buckle up, friends! It's time for my #MSWL thread. Some basic facts:

Opening: August 15
Repping: PB, MG, YA
Mentored/Co-repped by: @MandyHubbard and @LindaEpstein (get two agents in 1!!)
Query: QueryManager.com/DAnnWilliams (please add CW to your query)

MSWL below πŸ‘‡πŸΎ