- #mswl (195)
- #tenqueries (11)
- #100Queries (319)
- #querytip (94)
- #pubtip (13)
- #askagent (108)
- #askPSLA (221)
Literary Agent
Debra Daugherty @dmddeb
#askPSLA When agents list their wish list, is it what publishers are asking to see or something the agent wants to read and promote? What I'm asking is, Are agents calling the shots on what is being published? Some requests on # MSWL seem too specific or far-fetched.Literary Agent
Michael V. Colianna @guildlibrary
#askPSLA #querytip #pubtip #writetip Getting my Q to @kurestinarmada and @msmariavicente early since my drive is 4-5pm 🤞🏽Q: In response to a req, if you sent older material than you meant to because your life's a mess, is that a kiss of death?
Haha no, just re-send the right material. Also, sorry to hear your life's a mess! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
PJ McIlvaine @PJMcIlvaine
#askPSLA Are you career agents or by the book agents?Career agents! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
H.J. Reynolds author @reynoldsauthor
#askPSLA Would you rep a writer from the UK?Yes. We represent clients all around the world! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Ann Dayleview @AnnDayleview
If a manuscript isn't a good fit for you would you share it with a colleague? #askpslaSometimes, but not too often. We share a query inbox, so everyone can read all pitches as they come in. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Rich Maclone @Capenews_Rich
@msmariavicente @PSLiterary Follow-up: Should I look for an editor first, or should I wait until later in the game for that? #askPSLADepends how well you can edit your own work! Most writers do just fine editing themselves before querying. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Yes, I'm always looking for MG magical realism. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
S.L.Hutchinson @SLHutchinson
#askPSLA What's your # 1 tip for staying encouraged during the long haul process and disappointments in publishing?All it takes is one yes! Every no is a step closer to finding the right match. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
JS Fields @jsfields151
@PSLiterary If I self-pubbed my first book and I now want to go trad. pub can I still pitch and send queries for the first book? #askPSLAIt's best to query a new project. Reasons here: mariavicente.com/blog/why-agent… #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Gwen Flaskamp @GwenFlaskamp
Do agents who request a full or partial always send a reply? What if an agent switches agencies? #askPSLAI can't speak for everyone, but it's typical to get a reply to a request. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Rich Maclone @Capenews_Rich
@PSLiterary How much of manu should be done before starting to pitch it, looking for rep? #askPSLAIf it's fiction, the entire manuscript should be done before you start querying. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
S.L.Hutchinson @SLHutchinson
#askPSLA Do agents have to be a part of a agency to be any good? Or do those who work alone as equally qualified?Agents working alone can be just as qualified, but make sure you do a ton of research before querying anyone! #askPSLA
Literary Agent
❄️ Jordan ☃️ Gray ❄️ @JordanStephanie
should one mention when querying that it's the first in a series? is that something that turns you off? #askPSLAYes, please mention this! It's important information to know. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
S.L.Hutchinson @SLHutchinson
#askPSLA How do you know if you'll work well with an agent? Is the relationship to be strictly professional or do friendships often form?Ask questions during a call if an agent offers rep! Make a list of things imp to you & make sure the agent is on the same page. #askPSLA
Literary Agent
Tia Bearden @tiabearden
What's your preferred length of a Contemporary YA? #askPSLAHmm... probably 60-80k? Really depends on the story though! #askPSLA