Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
Literary Agent
JoeyIsEditingSendChocolate @JoeyIdeaJones
@UweStenderPhD I have a question, if it's not too late. I've heard both that the common phrases in a rejection, like, "not right for my list," can be taken literally, or they're actually code for something. Should we break out the tea leaves or take what's said at face value?Who knows? Nonetheless, I would not give it a second of thought. Drink the tea, don't read the leaves.
Literary Agent
Irene @ireneiswriting
@UweStenderPhD @Sarah_Nicolas @awfleck Hello, thanks for answering questions! What happens if a publisher asks for a manuscript before you find an agent? Is it better to have an agent before submitting to the publisher?Yes. In fact, a publisher should tell you to get an agent.
Literary Agent
🍩 Grace Ellis Barber @novelorbust
@UweStenderPhD @awfleck Why might a novel get a "revise and resubmit" response over an outright rejection? Do you encounter smaller story issues that you assume will be dealt with in editing after a sale or do you try to have them perfect before you offer and pitch to publishers?For me, it means it is a strong project, but maybe 90% of the time it sounds like a 16 year old talking, but 10% of the time it sounds like a 40 year old writing a 16 year old, but can they pull it off 100% of the time? Etc.
Literary Agent
Quiana Glide @Quiana2001
@UweStenderPhD @awfleck How can one stay positive in this business? I know rejection is just a part of things but I have depression and still struggle sometimes. #askagentWhen I started out, at one point I was 0/1000. Then I stopped keeping track. I am sorry you have depression, but in this business, my only advice is to "not take it personally," which is tough, BUT true. Hang on in there.
Literary Agent
A. W. Fleck (is drafting) 🌞🌙✨🔮 @awfleck
@UweStenderPhD Hello! I’m here! Thank you for the alert! Hope you’re staying safe ❤️ My question: What’s going on with the ‘New Adult’ genre? My MC is 20, dealing with narcissism, abuse, etc. Should I query as adult? Age is very intentional and changing it changes everything about her. Thanks!Alexandra!!! So nice to hear from you. It's tough. Most pubs appear to be convinced that nobody reads that age group..."too old" OR "too young." I disagree with that assessment, but... My, probably useless, advice: write the story you are compelled to write. It MAY still work!
Literary Agent
Nina (is querying her food novel) @NFortmeyer
@UweStenderPhD Is personalization important in a query? It seems so forced.I don't care. Too personalized is creepy, IMO.
Literary Agent
🌈RacheliMarquardt BLM🌈 @8LeavEmEtOdreaM
@UweStenderPhD @author_analieze If I get an agent who agrees to represent me for more than one book, how does that work? What if I don't have another book ready for another 2 years? Do I just contact them when I'm ready to seek publication?I can't speak for others, but if you sign with me, my intent is to be your career agent.
Literary Agent
Abigail Singrey @asingrey
@UweStenderPhD When querying fiction, is having a bookstagram considered a following? And how many followers would you need to have for it to be relevant? 1,000? 10,000?In fiction, I could not care less.
Literary Agent
Debra Lynn Shelton 📚🎼🌈🌊 IG: dlsheltonwrites @debralynnlazar
@UweStenderPhD When you pass on a query and don't suggest sending it to another agent at your agency, does that mean not to query anyone else there? Or, is it still ok to query another agent at Triada US? Tx!Not at all. *My* NO is just mine.
Literary Agent
Rianna Cohen @riannacohen
@UweStenderPhD Sneaking in here at the end! What is one of your favorite books and why?You are putting me on the spot. There are Sooo many books. Hmmm. NACHTS AM ASKANISCHEN PLATZ by @SusiGoga. It is a FANTASTIC mystery that perfectly blends with historical detail.
Literary Agent
Jessica Whipple @Jessicawhippl17
@UweStenderPhD @author_analieze #askagent Do you represent picture books? You say "everything in between," but it also doesn't specifically say PBs, so I'd hate to waste your time. Thanks so much for your reply!I do, but mostly for "already clients" who decide to write them. IF they are BRILLIANT, I am open to them.
Literary Agent
Amber A. Logan @AmberAnnLogan
@UweStenderPhD Thanks for doing this!Do you have any sense (either for your authors or authors in general) what % of agented authors don’t sell their first book they take on submission?
Oh my goodness. MANY of my authors don't sell their first book. Maybe it's me, I hope not, but that is more common than you might think.
Literary Agent
M. Charles is drafting @2TheImp
@UweStenderPhD Sorry. The US seems to not be handling the pandemic as well as other countries, so I’m wondering if that trend continues, if you think it will impact publishing. And how publishing is doing now, in the midst of everything.So far, publishing is still alive. My biggest concern lies with the independent bookstores, AND even Barnes& Noble. They all need to survive, because if only Amazon stays around, it will be the death knell. So, buy your books preferably not from Amazon. Sometimes, you don't have
Literary Agent
Shawn Butler @ShawnButler
@UweStenderPhD If you have two or three related novels you're trying to market at the same time, is it better to market one as the hook and mention the others, or keep them entirely separate? I assume a query should be focused on one book.I am not certain that I understand the entirety of your question, but yes, your query should focus on one book, IMO.
Literary Agent
Jenna Miller @jmillwanders
@UweStenderPhD What's your top MSWL at the moment?Anything that makes me laugh or cry for good reasons.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Brandy meinhardt @MeinhardtBrandy
@UweStenderPhD One more: I’m seeing quite a few authors being dropped by their agents and having to go back to query trenches after publishing a book. Does this happen often? And what is the criteria in which this could happen. Thanks for doing this!Since I have NEVER dropped a client, except on two extraordinary occasions, I am not the best person to ask. From what I hear, it is that they cannot make enough money from you. Your commodity value is too low. But that is simply a guess. Maybe they had extraordinary occasions.
Literary Agent
Brandy meinhardt @MeinhardtBrandy
@UweStenderPhD Writing YA contemporary set in 2020 is it okay not to have current situation (pandemic) as part of it? Not sure how realistic it needs to be.I think it is fine. In novels, I want escapism. I live this awful reality, I want hope, I need hope. So, don't write contemporary pandemic, unless it somehow is a love story, or a rom com, or anything that does not remind me of this mess.
Literary Agent
Andy Perez @ohdeeandy
@UweStenderPhD How has the pandemic affected querying? Besides delays of course.No querying delays here. They fly in just like always. So, no, not in my experience.
Literary Agent
Randi Lynn Mrvos @RandiLynnMrvos
@UweStenderPhD Should a writer mention that another agent has expressed interest (but not yet representation) in the work being queried.No. It's utterly meaningless until they ACTUALLY offer representation.